|    Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
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|                     Watch this space for more details                  |
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--- Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Nature article you quote says that there may be
> some parts of Europe that may get cooler due to the
> overall global warming effect. 
Mario replies:
How can anyone buy into such ideologically based
contradictions that cooling may be taking place due to
Marlon writes:
> Next, about the issue of several scientists who deny
> global warming: The issue that must be looked at
> here
> is the "reputation" of the scientists for and
> against
> global warming. 
Mario replies:
There are very reputable scientists on both sides. 
The "sky is falling" is an old ploy to gain research
Marlon writes:
> This issue has already been discussed. 0.036% is
> significant. 
Mario replies:
0.036% is only significant to the extreme
environmentalists.  Besides, this miniscule percentage
cannot be appreciably changed even if you shut down
all human industrial activity, including that of the
curiously and ideologically exempted India and China.
Marlon writes:
> Finally, WRT India and China, again, the point is
> that on a per capita basis, the US pollutes 5-10x
> than China and India. Hence the issue of China and
> being given preferential treatment is false. 
Mario replies:
Nice sophistry but it makes no sense to use per capita
information in this instance.  India and China are two
of the top four economies in the world, probably the
fastest growing and have no environmental controls of
any kind.  The US has massive controls for health
reasons and additional voluntary controls in the
I see this as a transparent attempt by the socialists
who have infiltrated the extreme environmental
movement to try through the back door what they failed
to achieve through soicalism and communism, i.e.
bringing the western economies, especially the US,
down to the least common denominator.

|                    Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions                 |
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|      Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages       |
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