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--- Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>1. Santosh insinuated that Chris is "Joy Braganza", a
nom de >plume for someone who has apparently been
insulting on this >forum.

I don't know why Peter is insinuating himself in this
banter. But he is misrepresenting facts left and

The first post in this turn of events was Chris's
attack against me implying that I was some kind of
black pot. I did not use the name "Joy Braganza" in
this forum, and did not reveal to anybody that it is a
pseudonym for someone who has been insulting people in
this forum. I merely used the words "Vaz Braganza"
because Chris attacked me without any specific
provocation on my part.

>3. Santosh apparently does not have proof, issues a
conditional >apology, and has now placed the onus upon
Chris to prove that
>he is who he says he is.

I would not want to prove it irrespective of whether I
have proof or not, and I am not interested in any
proof from Chris. That part of my exchange was simply
in jest.



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