|                         Wishing all Goanetters                         |
|                             a Prosperous                               |
|                                  and                                   |
|                         Happy New Year - 2006                          |
|                    Goanet - http://www.goanet.org                      |
--- Anthony and Nolette de Souza wrote:
> Hi, Bernardo!
> It might be of interest to you that there had been
> centuries a bilateral agreement between Britain and
> according to which  one  country  would go to the
aid of the 
> other in case of attack.  Yet when India attacked
Goa by 
> land, sea and air in 1961, Britain did not lift a
finger to 
> help. Moreover, the British Government did not even
lodge a 
> protest. Instead  in order to please India, she
rushed to 
> recognize the takeover.
Mario observes:
It find it hard to believe that people are writing
such stuff in the year 2006.  The British-Portuguese
treaty is for attacks on the respective countries, not
to eject a recalcitrant colonial power like Portugal
from an illegal colony, which had overstayed it's
post-colonial welcome by over a decade and was trying
to fool people that Goa was an "overseas province".
Anthony or Nolette write:
> Therefore, to a great extent, Anglo-Saxons are
responsible for 
> the Indian Occupation of Goa* and for the plight we
Goans are
> in: viz., a people without rights in their own
Mario observes:
Anthony or Nolette, as an Indian-Goan who grew up in
India and is now an American I'd like to know what
"plight we Goans are in" in Goa, while you live in
Anglo-Saxon developed and dominated Australia?  What
"rights" don't you have in Goa or India?
Anthony or Nolette write:
> Anglos are responsible for Goa's being in the sorry
> which she is in today; in fact, Goans have very few
favours to 
> thank them for.  If Britain has a Goan presence
there, it's no 
> big deal.  Anglos sold us out but they cannot buy
Mario observes:
Hey, that was then, this is now.  Get over it and get
on with your lives.  The Anglos were the first to
de-colonize in the 20th Century, with some pressure
but a minimum of mayhem, relative to when the US
kicked them out by force.  Anglos had nothing at all
to do with Goa, which was an undeveloped colonial
backwater when the Portuguese were kicked out.  How
can you even presume to talk about whatever state Goa
is in when you don't even live there.  What do you care?

|                    Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions                 |
|                                                                        |
|      Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages       |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

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