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> --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >  
> > Mario observes:
> > >
> > It find it hard to believe that people are writing
> > such stuff in the year 2006.  The
> > treaty is for attacks on the respective countries,
> > 
--- Gabriel de Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> As to the rest of your ramblings, I have to agree to
> disagree with you in its totality - I have no wish
> to duplicate what I have said and what others have
> in the past w.r.t to this topic - please visit
> www.colaco.net when you have the time and check what
> I have to say  as well as the article by Bonnie
> (1964).  You will also find examples quoted in legal
> treatises (such as by Quincy et al) on the 'Net
> relating to India's action on Goa. 
Mario replies:
Nice try at ancient colonial-era rationalization,
Gabriel, which I have no interest in because there
exists a fait accompli for 45 years now.  Your family
may been on Portugal's side, mine was on India's.  
Who cares what Bonnie Lubega or Quincy et. al.
thought?  Portugal "acquired" Goa 450 years ago, in
the same way that India "re-acquired" Goa in 1961. 
Unless Portugal has some intentions of re-acquiring
Goa, it is time to move on.
The British and French had the civility to recognize
the end of an era, and left gracefully.  The
Portuguese had the "chutzpah" to describe Goa as an
"overseas province", a brazen and amusing construct in
hyperbole that impressed no one on the nationalist
side.  There was no way that the Brits could support
the Portuguese intransigence, having started by
example the modern era of de-colonization.

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