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|                     POEM: SUSEGAAD - Cynthia Gomes James                    |
I have been behind in my posts from and to Goanet but this one particularly caught my eye.

Mr Sudarshan (a fellow Hindu) has been called an ignoramus three times in a single paragraph below. Even if he indeed were one, I am thoroughly embarrassed by the ferocity of the attack on Mr Sudarshan by some highly questionable 'know-it-all' character. Surely the best way to contradict Mr Sudarshan would have been to persuade him that there was an alternative to his perceptions, and thus, to try and win him over to alternative views instead of obviously alienating him from Goanet--perhaps forever.

Even if it is difficult to keep one's cool, at times, such an alternative approach would be constructive and educational within Goanet aims which emphasise the concept of building social capital.

I therefore wonder if the respondent, a certain Mario Goveia, was in a rage, or has never been socialised in being civil and courteous OR possibly both? Clearly, he ought to be encouraged to read Young T. (2001): How to Lose Friends and Alienate People. London, Little and Brown Co.

But, who knows? He may have already read the book but failed to understand its clear message. But who knows still, maybe an apology to Mr Sudarshan may yet be in the offing.
Cornel DaCosta

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <goanet@goanet.org>
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Loyalty to nation is what matters: Sudarshan |
http://www.goanet.org                      |
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Loyalty to nation is what
matters: Sudarshan

"In fact," Mr Sudarshan said, "the rampant racism
prevalent in
America, especially in states like New Orleans, has
exposed the
futility of the religious equality professed by Catholicism."
Mario responds:

The ignorance and religious bigotry of Mr. Sudarshan
is palpable. He takes scenes from the height of a flood, where evryone should have and could have been evacuated by the city administration, to describe the conditions in New Orleans as "rampant racism" that can be blamed somehow on Catholicism.

Does this ignoramus know that the city administration in New Orleans is dominated by African Americans?
Does this ignoramus know that the City of New Orleans and the State of Louisiana have been run by liberal Democrats for generations? Does this ignoramus know
that the vast majority of people who were devastated
by Hurricane Katrina were "white", while only the plight of the African Americans was prominently played up by the dominant left-of-center national media in the USA, thus distorting the facts beyond recognition?

Liberal Democrats are those who are supposed to be as pure as the wind driven snow and eradicate poverty simply by "feeling their pain", to the point that over 90% of African Americans nationally support these liberal Democrats in national elections.

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