
Hi Jose,

I agree with you, that nothing much is finally accomplished by merely pounding 
on the computer-key board. IMHO, taking a good idea and making it practically 
useful, may involve the following steps.

1. Having a concept and expressing its scope, application and importance.
2. Transmitting the theoretical plan and to convince others of its significance.
3. Others adopting the plan for their OWN benefit. 
4. Adopting the plan will involve expending some time, energy, and money on the 
part of the beneficiary.

I think cyber-space permits us to do step one.

Step 2 can be done in cyberspace but soon needs to be transferred to a PHYSICAL 
interaction and communication among the individuals. This will be followed by 
more communications and refinements of the ideas. This is where Goan 
organizations perhaps could help in physically serving as a forum for dialogue 
and plan of action.

Since we have not achieved step 2, it is difficult to achieve steps 3 and 4. 

I will not go into the discussion of:
Will Goans adopt somebody else's ideas?
Will Goans expend their resources for their OWN benefit? 
Or will it be: You do it for me?

As the analogy goes: 
The horse should drink the water.
One can suggest where the water is available.
One may provide directions to the pool.
One CANNOT force the horse to make the effort to drink.

Thus cyber Goans CANNOT DO much for:
1. Goan motorcyclists who refuse to wear the helmet.
2. Goan men who continue smoking.
3. Those who will NOT READ about Goan history or cultural / social customs.
4. G.O.A. presidents who REFUSE to maximize benefits for the members.
5. etc.,etc....

Regards, GL 

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