Hi Carsten Juste,
(Editor of the newspaper that published the controversial cartoons.)

I read with interest your letter on your web page about the "No Holocaust 
cartoons....."   I saw the interview that your cultural editor, Rose Flemming, 
gave to CNN where he offered to establish contact with the Iranian paper and 
then publish defamatory cartoons about Jewish and Christian faiths to balance 
the cartoons on Mohamed and Islam.  I also saw the interview of your Prime 
Minister on CNN.

Here are my thoughts.  
My wife and I would love to write a story on this whole saga from a Danish 
perspective, from a Muslim perspective and an American perspective.  The title 
of the book would be "OOPS".

I still cannot understand how a nice small peaceful Scandinavian country like 
Denmark, which never had any third world colony, could be the center of an 
international North-South controversy.  

I cannot believe that you appointed Flemming Rose as a cultural editor of your 
newspaper.  What were you thinking?  In hindsight, this was the first OOPS of 
the whole saga.  

Then you allowed your newspaper to publish your "tasteless media stunt", which 
of course was repeated by a few other newspapers in a few other countries.  
This shows that a few newspaper editors also love stunts, to perhaps increase 
their circulation.  Congratulation on your decisions not to publish any more 
"tasteless media stunts" from your past published library or from Iranian 

In pursuit of the whole story, I checked your web site (where I saw your 
letter) hoping to see the cartoons; which are at the center of this 
international controversy. Unfortunately I did not find any. Hmm, I wonder why?

Mr. Rose during his current leave, should be made to read the book "How to win 
friends and influence people".  I cannot understand how a discussion of 
sketches on Mohamed for a children's book becomes a caricature contest for a 
newspaper. Then perhaps your lack of knowledge or plain insensitivity (from 
past experiences) leads now to an international controversy.

I think the Danish government as reflected by your Prime Minister's actions and 
interviews, badly handled the subsequent fallout.  President Bush had some wise 
things to say about this controversy. Yet, our American Secretary of State 
managed to make "Rice Pudding" of this whole episode.

I think the Muslims were "off the cliff" in their protests.  To go to the point 
of having loss of their OWN life and property in protesting what someone 3000 
miles away did or did not do is just insane.

This whole episode, on both sides, is NOT a "Clash of Civilizations" but rather 
a "Clash of Chaos" which stems for ignorance and indifference, which has led to 
enmity.  A lot of good can come out of this unfortunate episode.  As a smart 
editor, I am sure you have noticed that many international incidents including 
wars, specially the current Iraq war, started off as a series of false beliefs 
or "OOPS" or as your web letter put it "Error of Judgement(s)".

I wish  you all the best. We would love to do the story on the story.
Regards, Gilbert A. Lawrence,

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