The Administrator,


Subject: Press Note for Kind Favour of Publication.

We shall be highly obliged if you will publish in your esteemed distribution 
list the following, for the benefit of your readers.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


 (Floriano C. Lobo)

G.S. / Spokesperson 


Press Note:

The Goa Su-Raj Party, the Goa’s youngest Regional Party, wishes to announce 
that it is ready to step out in the public for the first time after its 
formation and registration  with the Election Commission of India, almost six 
years ago, in the year 2000. Though it was not of age, it has  stepped out 
into the electoral fray of 2002 Assembly Elections, and of  late,  in the by-
elections to the Taleigao Constituency in May, 2005 to assure the people of 
Goa that this Party  means business.

To prepare itself for the first major fight for the electoral share in Goa’s 
politics for the coming 2007 Assembly Elections, the Party has decided to come 
out publicly to bring before the people of Goa its  vision, programmes, likes, 
dislikes, preferences, suggestions and to most extent fool proof solutions to 
chronic problems faced by citizens, and,  to extend a hand of no-nonsense 
friendship to those people of Goa who would like to say no to a lot of things 
that are happening to them and to Goa. This task has been made lighter for the 
Party in view of the release of its detailed ‘Road Map to Goa’s Governance, in 
August, 2005.

In order to expose its face to the public of Goa, the Party has planned a 
series of Public Meetings cum Presentations, the first of which will be held 
at Margao’s ‘Lohia Maidan’ on Saturday, February 18, 2006, at 4 p.m, followed 
by the same at Mapusa and Panjim, the dates for which shall be announced in 
due course of time. The Party has also decided to make its presence felt in 
all the 40 constituencies, gradually, so that the people know that there is an 
alternative with which they can participate without fear or favour. It is 
therefore hoped that the people will make time to attend the Party’s 
presentations with open mind and in large numbers. The Party assures the 
people that it will be  ‘time well spent’.


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