I am really getting worried because once again I have
found much to agree with you in the content of the
post below.  The one exception is your taking umbrage
with Savika's very dramatic, pithy and colorful post
in red.  Were the Goanet moderators asleep?  While her
post may not be precisely in accordance with the
rules, isn't it up to the Goanet moderators and
administrators to reject such variations and ask the
poster to make the correction and re-submit?
The Goanet moderators routinely return my posts for
adjustments, sometimes for the most picayune reasons,
often for using the same phrases as posted by some of
their friends.  They rejected one post because I
inadvertantly submitted it in HTML.  Another because I
had not truncated the previous post.  Another for
simply calling a poster who is routinely irritable and
abusive "this xxxx guy".  Rather than waste my time
arguing with them, I just changed "this xxxx guy" to
"Mr. xxxx" and then they posted it.  On the other hand
they will allow some posters to post anonymously, some
to use nom de plumes, and some to leave out their
e-mail addresses and post as from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My point is that I don't expect posters like Savika to
keep track of all the most picayune rules.  Let's hold
the moderators and administrators responsible.
--- jose colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Savika, This is my final response to you wrt
> your Valentine's Day 
> corradh 'rejoinder' . My responses are as JC:
> From: Savika Gomes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> SG 1: < Hello Mr. Colaco.........My exclamation in
> RED did draw many an 
> attention, it was a spontenous
> rejoinder..............>
> JC:  Thank you Savika. It still broke GoaNet rules
> ....did it not?  I submit 
> that most of us Goans on the Goan lists are
> intelligent enough to read 
> without the Tabloid effect.
> ==

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