
You raise some interesting points (and welcome to the list!). I believe
that there are at least two distinct issues here:
1. Government intrusion--a slippery slope indeed, as you point out.
2. The rights of an uninfected partner in a case where one partner has

The second issue is the more serious micro level concern, and this is
where I think the government has chosen to help, rather than intrude.
Your comparison between AIDS and Hepatitis is an unfair
analogy--hepatitis doesn't bring with it the death sentence that AIDS
does. A marriage might not occur if one partner discovers that the other
has AIDS. At the end of the day, why should one partner's privacy rights
trump the other's right to know that a future life partner carries a
deadly infectious disease? Will the government be doing right by its
citizens if it can prevent a single case of AIDS and chooses to turn a
blind eye to it?

Peter D'Souza

From: Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Re: HIV test to be made mandatory for marriage
    registration    in Goa
«  But no matter how you dice it, it is in the end an invasion of personal
privacy. It's a slippery slope to what the government can legislate in our
personal lives.

  Ultimately however, we have to answer the question, will this
pretesting for
AIDS prevent AIDS or its spread?»

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