On 22/03/06, afra dias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Goanetters,

> -----
> My question is why was he having dinner with hindu boys late at night.
> Why did he go to the Passport office with Hindu boys who are not of Goan
> origin.
> WAS HE A HOMOSEXUAL? and if he was - who should be hanged?
> Wait for the courts to decide.
> Afra.

RESPONSE: This thread about the priest being a homosexual is simply
rumour mongering of the worst kind. The priest is dead and cannot
defend himself.

It seems that one can get away with besmirching any one's name in Goa.
Afra should know better, living in the U.K. that one has to have
witnessed events with their own eyes, for the Courts here to even
accept  statements to be put forward.

Now this is a hypothetical question. Since when is it a hanging crime
to be a homosexual? Even if the priest was a homosexual, did that
justify his being murdered?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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