     Domnic Fernandes continues (Part II) his reminiscence of     
                       Mapusa of the 1950s                        
Katrina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

 1. Who are you to judge what the Priest 'should have been doing or
shouldn't have been doing"? I never realized helping someone  in need meant
playing with fire. Even if he was a public figure, why  tarnish his name?Was
he a known homosexual? Have there been reported  incidents of abuse by him
in particular in the past? Was he making a  move on those men?

2.A more candid approach would be to  analyze the facts(of which much hasn't
been released),and I think this  is the
job of the cops and not you or anyone else in Goa.

3.  It is pathetic to read what conclusions people draw from this incident.
Tomorrow if a Nun was raped and killed, some folks here, just might as  well
say that she was 'provocatively dressed'?

4. Is this how people think  on this forum?
Every member of the "Public" believes that he or she is a member of the
jury. Some persons on Goanet even appoint themselves as judges who do not
need to consider any evidence at all. What they think, they believe to be
the ultimate truth ;-(

Even the cops have no time to collect the evidence and analyse the facts of
the case. It is easier to issue a press note, still easier to hold a press
conference and a cake walk to selectively "leak" information to the gullible
crime reporters or their bigger brothers in the press.
What you think people may say, has already been said before......and
believed in some cases in UP and Madhya Pradesh.

People do not think on Goanet...they 'post'. Who said one must think before
they write on the Net.  Libel? What is that?

People do not even consider that the priest is not a member of this forum or
this world. He is dead. He cannot defend himself.

He may have been wrong...but we do not have any proof/evidence on which to
base such a conclusion. Afra, Joe, Godfrey do not need evidence. They KNOW.
That's it for them. If tomorrow someone alleges things about them...or their
spouse,sister, brother, mother....... I hope they can withstand the debate
on Goanet.

Viva Goa.


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