On 21/03/06, Agnelo Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   >Hi Elizabeth
>   >There are several self-appointed professors on Goanet.  A few of them
> >believe they are the god-appointed authority on a specific issue.  Cross
> >the line on that subject, these ayatollahs will be awaken from their
> >usual  docile existence.  A few of course have a "short fuse".
>   These are not professors by any means. These are NRG-CF catholic fanatics
> who think they now it all, but they know ZILCH about Goa. They claim they are
> secular, but they are the ones who are the most communal. They are failed
> professionals (bankers, dotor, etc) who have lots of time to devote on Goanet
> to promote their own selfish agenda.................................

>   Agnelo Pinto
>   Ponjekar

Comment: Two days have elapsed and the bogus Ponjekar from the USA has
not responded.

I take exception to the statement regarding failed professionals,
perhaps the writer is himself a failed person and is embittered by the
experience. Whilst others are thriving and living in relative comfort,
Pinto must be  taking stock of his dire, gloomy  position and is full
of envy.

I would term a failure as a person who has declared bankruptcy - that
indeed is the hallmark of a failed person.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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