From: Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<Yet, I find it more reprehensible that as a women, under Indian law I am disallowed from finding out the gender of my baby by u/s. What if a parent were to find out that their child will be born
handicaped, say with spina bifidia?>

Dear Elizabeth,

I trust you are NOT suggesting that Spina Bifida is "gender specific".

Having said that .... here are a couple of points we might wish to think about:

1: Physicians who participate in shameful exercises e.g. Ultrasound Scan to determine gender so that Termination of Female foetuses can be terminated .....are a disgrace to the Medical Profession. They are also the scum of the earth.

2: Equally shameful is the silence of the Medical Associations and Licensing bodies.

3: It is these types of situations that give more power to politicians.

4: Politicians will bring in their own rules - even IF they happen to be "doctors" viz the HIV manadatory before marriage a la Narvencar.

5: In the final analysis, unless professions regulate themselves, Politicians will take control of them. This is true for Engineering, Journalism and Medicine.

I doubt however that the "professionals" will do what is right. It might just rock the boat. They rather have the profession knocked to its knees than stand up for what is ethical.

And ...they will find all kinds of excuses and clichés to explain away their blatant disregard of ethical standard.

good wishes


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