     Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of     
                       Mapusa of the 1950s                        

After reading your perspective, Goa/India does seem a difficult place 
especially to those who have been away for a while.  I have recently 
befriended a Goan of rather significant achievement who has been in the U.S. 
for only four years and he is completely turned off by what is happening 
back home, both in Bombay and Goa--the filth and, especially,  the 
corruption.  I have personally been a victim at the Indian Customs because I 
carried two bottles of booze instead of one (the duty-free shop told me that 
two bottles were allowed) and the customs officer was brazen enough to 
demand a bribe right in the open.  But my experience, I am told, is peanuts 
when compared to what the likes of Bal Thackeray's extortion of big business 
and the wealthy (what we here in the U.S. call "the achievers").
Your narrative, though painful to read nevertheless hits home-- though in 
our longing (and memories) for our dear land we prefer to pretend all is 
well.   I am confident good will eventually prevail--perhaps not in our 
lifetime.  Thanks for the honesty and the forthrightness.


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