     Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of     
                       Mapusa of the 1950s                        
--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> U talk of deliveries at home; U have to be rich and 
> pay for all that'. I did that and more and was 
> even used to shopping for these items in person; but
> it was not easy. So what I am saying is that the 
> situ has not changed even after 20 years.
> Have you ever gone and bought 'fish' in Margao, or
> done any shopping yourself; Then you will know the
> problems. Rich men's life like you describe, can be 
> had anywhere; but when you try to live yourself, in 
> Goa, it is tough. So I am not complaining, per se!  
> only saying that the old situation has not 
> progressed, but rather regressed;
Mario responds:
Why would I go buy fish in the market and cook when
I'm on vacation, and then complain because it's tough?
 I let the local Goans, who do it all year round, go
buy the fish and beef and pork and vegetables, and
cook it better than I can and deliver the food to me,
while I sit in my balcao sipping local Belo beer and
feni.  We all benefit.  
BTW, I only buy local Belo beer in Goa because the
brewmaster is my friend.  So, please support Belo beer
when you are in Goa.
Nasci, you keep talking about "rich", but I do not pay
any extra other than tips for delivery, which is worth
my time when I'm on vacation.  You need to learn how
to organize better, man, so that you have more fun and
less to complain about.
My point is that you, who doesn't even live there,
complains about every single detail, no matter where
you go in India.  It's too noisy, the buses are too
crowded, it's too dirty, the food is bad, the roads
are bad, tourists are getting fleeced, you can't buy
milk as and when you want, and on and on.  To me that
sounds like the Goa I remember before 1961.
I don't think India has regressed at all, just the
opposite.  The local people tell me that things have
improved, even though much still needs to be done.
It is YOU who has changed, and want everyone back home
in India to know about it.  Then you go back to
In the meantime millions of people are going to India
every year and enjoying every minute they are there.
Nasci writes:
> Whilst you are talking of the 'Fidalgo' life in the 
> old tradition. What about the common man and the 
> not so rich tourist like me.
> You are suggesting: to hell with every one else's 
> discomfort as long as Mario can live like a fidalgo!
> You are saying there are no power outages in Goa. 
> you must be living in virtual America; Did u carry 
> some generators with you? In Margao and all over 
> Goa there are interruptions to power at least 10 to 
> 15 times a day, every day.
Mario replies:
I don't know about Margao, but I live in Panjim when
I'm in Goa, mostly in February.  If we had 10 to 15
power outages a day I would certainly know it.  
But I do have one complaint.  We noticed some ants on
our kitchen counter, who apparently came to check us
out.  Some Borax powder told them they should leave
and not to return.  I forgot to tell everyone on
Goanet about those pesky ants, but you reminded me
that alls not well in Goa:-))
Nasci, I migrated because I was not a Fidalgo.  Is
there anything wrong with that?  Now I can pretend I'm
a Fidalgo for a few days a year in Goa.  If I wanted
to spend my life obsessing about everyone else's
discomfort I would have become a missionary or a
social worker.  
If you visit India as frequently as you do and travel
all over India, you can afford to do exactly what I
do.  You just have the wrong attitude and approach, in
my opinion.
I  go to India to enjoy myself, realize where I am,
adjust to local conditions, organize for my benefit,
I'm happy to be there and enjoy my trip.
You seem to go with a chip on your shoulder, and a
check-list of what's wrong.  You demand that India
change to suit you, and then complain to high heaven
that it has not changed enough to suit you.
Like I've said before, India is not everyone's cuppa
tea.  Based on your comments, it's not good for your
physical or mental health to go there.  I can promise
you, it will be the same for you the next time and
every time as long as you live.  Noisy, dirty,
crowded, evil.  Not good.  Isn't that why you left?

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