     Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of
                       Mapusa of the 1950s

You are raising the guns versus butter argument, which has been used
by many peaceniks over the centuries, and debated ad nauseam.   i.e
how many hospitals and schools can be built for the cost of a modern
stealth submarine costing 600 million dollars.  I am all for ploughing
most of our GDP to uplift our poor masses. That does not mean we
should not spend 3% of our GDP for the nations defence, which we are
doing. If you make  statements about defence expenditure, maybe you
would like to quantify as to how much we should spend for external
security, or are you in any way suggesting that we should disband the
armed forces and plough back the 79,000 crores in this years budget to
feed our 250 million people who live below the poverty line?  You are
welcome to your opinion, but I will not sit under my coconut tree, and
listen to someone say that the sacrifices of our thousands of dead
servicemen over 3 wars and many skirmishes over the past 50 years have
been in vain, or because no or little external threat exists today.

As far as the arrests in the Navy War room case are concerned, let the
law take its course, but please do not try and link the professional
conduct and honesty of 80,000 other navy guys with  the greed of 5 ex
naval officers who have been arrested, 3 of which have already been
punished with dismissal from service. I would request you to have some
balance, unlike some of your colleagues from the media, who sometimes
see ghosts when none exist.

Your biggest error is to think that the Armed Forces of a nation are a
*luxury* .  It is true that every nation should  be mindful of defence
expenditure, because it is *unproductive * expenditure. Therefore,
most nations have spent historically about 3% of their GDP annually on
defence, which we do. I agree that this level should be adjusted
marginally depending on the threat perceptions,reviewed from time to
time,  but unfortunately, more than 50% of it is spent on pays(of
serving personnel) and pensions(of poor guys like me)
regards, Gilbert Menezes

> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2006 00:48:25 +0530
> From: "Frederick Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] Re: indo-french exercises
> To: goanet@goanet.org
> Message-ID:
>         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi Gilbert Menezes, I read your paens of praise to the Navy.
> > Why do I write this? Three reasons-firstly, our Navy is the most
> > powerful in the region, and one which is admired worldwide as being
> > thoroughly professional.  Secondly, we could never dream of seeing
> > foreign fighter aircraft overflying our territory--we are now getting
> > truly globalised, and India is taking its rightful place among the
> > comity of nations. Lastly, as a Goan, Im proud that Goa is an
> > important cog in our nations defence.
> > regards, Gilbert Menezes.
> As someone who has long been convinced that poverty, illiteracy,

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