     Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of     
                       Mapusa of the 1950s                        
Hi Cornel, Francis n Gabe !

In addition to Edgar and Egbert, do not forget Alou Mendoca who was 
once rated as the world's best left-outer, goal-keeper Saude George
and captian - Tony Vaz who later made a name for himself by
occasionally managing Kenya's world famous - middle -distance runner-
Kipchoge Keino on his world trips. 

Then there was another duo in brothers- Hilary and Leo
Fernandes;how-ever, do also bear in mind that many goans in East
Africa could
not represent Kenya,Uganda and Tanzania as they were non-citizens.
A good example was Nairobi Sikh Union's reserve goal-keeper- the
late Ivo Colaco. Sikh Union's main goal-keeper- Jack Simonian was
also Kenya's  number one goal-keeper and at one time-  one  of the
best in the world. Jack was also famous as a motor rally safari

In Tanzania, we had Alban Fernandes and the late Armand "Chic"
Saldanha - both of whom represented East Africa . Alban also 
represented East Africa in cricket and Chic played cricket for
Tanzania. Other notable players in Tanzania were goal--keepers -
Gangy Almeida and Auggie Fernandes and Gangy's brother - Fenelon -
all great soccer players in their own right. They are all in Canada.

In addition to five cricket players on the national team - including
captain and vice-captain - Peter and Charlie DeSouza and all-rounder-
Lawrence Fernandes, Uganda has also produced some great hockey
players. Unfortunately, the only name that comes to my mind is that
of goal-keeper- Roger Colaco and Xenon DeSouza- both also in Canada.

PLease keep the ball rolling.


Tony Barros.
Union, New Jersey

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