     Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of     
                       Mapusa of the 1950s                        
Tony Barros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In addition to Edgar and Egbert, do not forget Alou
> Mendoca who was once rated as the world's best 
> left-outer,

You seemed to have missed out the Zanzibaris.
Strangely enough, the following appeared on another
net just a few days ago. One of the players, "Pop"
Menedes went on to be one of the first people in E.
Africa to get an International Referee's "Silver
Whistle" from the IHF.


"jimmiranda2006" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date: Sat Apr 8, 2006  8:39 am 
Subject: M. R. de SOUZA GOLD CUP - NAIROBI - 1956  

This Easter will mark the 50th anniversary of the
Zanzibar Goan Institute's trip to Nairobi to compete
in the above hockey tournament.

The following is how I remember the event. The
tournament was contested on a knock-out basis & the
following teams participated:
Nairobi Goan Institute, Nairobi Railways Goan
Institute, Nairobi Sikh Union, Nairobi Asian
Mombasa Goan Institute, Kampala Goan Institute &
Zanzibar Goan Institute.

The Zanzibar G.I. team comprised of:
late Julius Fernandes (manager) late John Braganza,
late Tommy Fernandes, late Wellington Almeida, Laurie
Faria (capt), Anthony (pop) Mendes, Tony de Souza,
Raphael de Souza, Hugh Dias, Edwin Coutinho, Moraes,
Oliver Fernandes, Gajendra Doshi, Rajni Shah, Eshu
Punja & myself.

We flew to Mombasa, played a friendly game there &
the following evening took the train to Nairobi.
Our team was considered underdogs & quite rightly so,
as we never played on a "murram" ground before.
I do not recall the team we lost to nor the team that
won the GOLD CUP.

A gala dance was held at the Goan Gymkhana as the new
Goan Institue was being built. (On completion the
Nairobi G.I. was reputed to be the best G.I. in East

We then toured Kisumu, Kampala, Entebbe, Jinja,
returned to Nairobi, Mombasa & flew home from Tanga.
We were well received, accommodated & entertained by
our sister Institutes & without doubt the tour was

To the best of my knowledge the living players are
scattered in Toronto, London, Goa, Zanzibar &
I will pray for their continued good health on Easter

Mildred joins me in wishing one & all a

Francis (Jim) Miranda


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