Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of Mapusa of the 1950s http://www.goanet.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=426 ------------------------------------------------------------------
I am surprised that this sort of 'ignorance' in comment is displayed, by one who lives in Canada.

Liz is only talking of the 'legal Death Sentence and execution', and not of stadium killing and entertainment! Do you not understand that? How did you get entry into Canada, with this type of ignorance?

Oh my God! You must be reading with your eyes  or mind closed, or both.

Nasci Caldeira
Mervyn wrote:

I guess we could take these people down to the stadium
and shoot them, just like in the good ol' days. Lots
of entertainment value there.

But seriously, I would like to know what your opinion
on harvesting their organs would be.

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