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 USDA certified Goa Sausages and other Goan foods can now be delivered
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----- Mervyn Lobo writes on Wed, April 12:
> You must be aware that China executes at least 8,000
> people every year. All those executed have had a 
> fair trial with the defence lawyers being paid for 
> by the State. I am told that the second biggest 
> supply of organs is from US prisoners on death row. 
> Again, the US govt provides those accused of crimes 
> with a lawyer when the accused does not have the 
> money to pay for one himself.
Mario observes:
Here is another excellent example of why I can
objectively describe Mervyn Lobo as one of the most
virulent among the small cabal of anti-Americans on
Goanet.  How else can one describe someone who is
supposedly educated but can deliberately compare the
totalitarian Chinese legal system, which executes
about 8,000 convicts each year according to him, many
with no right of appeal and within minutes of being
convicted, with the independant US legal system, which
has executed 1004 persons from 1976 to 2005, for an
average of 35 per year?  In the US, the government
paid appeals last an average of 12 years nationwide
and 20 years in some states, to ensure the convicts
are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Then he has the gall to say that "he has been told"
that the second biggest source of donated organs is
"... from US prisoners on death row."  Apparently,
according to this allegation by Mervyn, the Americans
don't even wait until US prisoners on death row are
I don't know whether the Chinese harvest the organs of
everyone they execute.  In the US the convict would
have to volunteer their organs for donation.  Since
every convict would not volunteer their organs and
some may be disqualified for various diseases, we are
down to a relatively small number of organ donors from
the US capital punishment source. Hence, to cite this
as the second largest source of organ donations is
patently false.  Cuba is a more likely higher level
In a previous post, Mervyn made the following equally
absurd comment in response to the calls by some
Goans that the murderers of Fr. Eusebio be executed,
"...Goans becoming more like the Americans. All they
need is for the suspects to be caught, charged with a
crime and then executed. There, alls well.  Sort of
reminds me of the US activities in Iraq and
According to Mervyn, in America, "...suspects to be
caught, charged with a crime and then executed."  No
acknowledgement of the lengthy trials, no mention of
the legal standard that they be found guilty "beyond a
reasonable doubt" or the lengthy appeals paid for by
the government.
This then somehow reminds Mervyn of US activities in
Iraq and Afghanistan, where innocent civilians can be
killed in the crossfire, as in any warfare, but are
never targeted by the US forces, and where 50 million
Muslims have been liberated and are being helped to
form self-sustaining democracies after decades of
oppression by brutal and misogynist Muslim tyrants.
Is there any way that such repeatedly false sentiments
can be blamed simply on ignorance?  I don't think so.

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