Hey Melinda,
It's nice to have another woman on the forum. I hope
you stick around. The testosterone here is a bit
overwhelming at times. Fred Noronhna congratulating
you on "weathering storms" has made me think of
investing in a good umbrella.

About the little fishes, you mean to say no matter
what happens they all land up at Cecil Pinto's


--- Melinda Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Elisabeth Carvalho worte"
> I was ofcourse being flippant and resorting to
> stereotype, when adding that one-liner. However
> since
> I was not making a personal dig at any one person, I
> didn't seriously think it would offend anyone.
> Again,
> since it inadvertently did, I apologise.
> Hi Elisabeth,
> hey ,I wasnt really upset,just felt that I had to
> speak up for the cause --I
> still have a few loyalties left though I quit 13
> years ago.
> It is very gracious of you to apologise,now I admire
> you even more.
> I enjoy reading yr inputs,keep it up.
> By the way,the rodents, fish,flora and fauna have
> decided to apply for
> Portuguese passports and migrate to cleaner
> surroundings..If that option
> fails,they are planning to go to Roland Martins
> (GOACAN) Goa civic and
> consumer forum for redressal.If that option also
> fails,they are planning to
> enlist Cecil Pinto's help(he used to run a Computer
> Institute)and learn
> typing and computer skills,so watch out .( A little
> fishie told me so)
> Regards,
> Melinda
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