--- Gabe Menezes wrote:
> > Madam, I am taken aback by your post but more 
> importantly by the lack of response by the defender 
> of faith...perhaps he has succumbed to your charms, 
> or is seriously courting you, for  future moral 
> support reasons. Perhaps it is the writers he
> has problems with and not the content. He takes 
> issue with certain posters: George, Santosh, 
> Mervyn, Jose and Gabe. It seems that content does 
> not matter, if presnted by the so called gentler 
> sex!
> > 
--- Elisabeth Carvalho wrote:
> Dear Gabe,
> In life, one is bound to inadvertently insult
> someone or the other with their thoughts, views or 
> writings.  It's important to be loyal to your own 
> values, principles and agendas and then, let the 
> chips fall where they may.
Mario adds:
Since Gabe makes a habit of sneaky but transparent
insinuations while avoiding mentioning the names of
his targets - thereby fooling only himself -
Goanetters need to know that he is referring to me in
his comments above.
Apparently he is taken aback that I have not taken
Elisabeth to task on a subject that he was holding his
breath waiting for me to say something.
This is a debate between Elisabeth and Nasci that I
have no comment on, to the great disappointmentof
Gabe, who has anointed me - falsely as it turns out -
a "defender of faith".  Anyone who follows Goanet
regularly would know that I have agreed and disagreed
with both Elisabeth and Nasci, and we respectfully
agree to disagree as civilised adults should.
Goanetters will be amused at the notion that I need to
ask for moral support from anyone, after often seeing
me single-handedly take on a whole cabal of attackers
leading to the appearance of excessive posts, whereas
these were individual responses on the same subject by
a host of others.
Gabe is correct that I have a problem with a specific
cabal of posters, whose names may or may not include
those Gabe has mentioned.  However, he is wrong about
the content of their posts.  It is their slant and
tone as well as the content that often leads me to
treat with the special respect they deserve.  Gabe's
comments above are an excellent example of the kind of
slanted tone and content I am talking about.

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