The common understanding of multiculturalism and
enlightenment has no resemblance with what has been
described in this thread so far. Multiculturalism as
we know it refers to tolerance and respect for all
religions, non-religions and cultures. It entails the
peaceful coexistence of diverse cultures in our
society. It recognizes that all religions and the lack
of adherence to religion are completely equal.  No
religion can be held in higher esteem than any other
religion.  No innocuous belief, practice or tradition
of any culture is worthy of scorn or of special
treatment. Multiculturalism and pluralism of this
nature has been recognized and practiced in India for
more than two millennia, i.e. at least since the time
of Ashoka. 

Enlightenment has distinct meanings in different
traditions. Literally it means lighting of one’s soul.
In Eastern religions it refers to achieving freedom
from the cycle of life, death and rebirth. It also
stands for achieving pure awareness or knowledge of
the ultimate nature of reality. In Christianity it
represents recognition of divine grace or the power of
the almighty. 

In the secular tradition enlightenment is synonymous
with knowledge achieved by the free exercise of
reason. Indeed, the Age of Enlightenment is deemed to
be a rejection of myth and superstition, and the
recourse to miraculous explanation that was adopted by
the Church in Europe in the Middle Ages. Well-known
enlightenment thinkers in the latter vein are
Rousseau, Voltaire and Hume in Europe, Jefferson and
Adams in the U.S., and Raja Ram Mohan Roy and
Rabindranath Tagore in India. Actually, India has a
much longer tradition of rationalistic thinking of
this type embedded within the ancient pre-Hindu



--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nasci adds:
> Besides the enlightenment in religious orientation
> and wisdom as a Goan 
> (Indian) Christian, I am enlightened in 'Cultural
> ways' too. I/we are truly 
> modern and multicultural.

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