--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario,
> The real problem is that you refuse to accept, not
> understand, the Queens position in Canada.
Mario replies:
The real problem is that I refuse to accept your spin,
and revert to the fact that Canadians have chosen this
elderly foreign lady and her family to be the Canadian
Mervyn writes:
> As a socialist country, we impose a 50% tax on
> petroleum products. The tax is used to fuel Canada's
> envious health care system. Speaking in Toronto
> yesterday, Bill Clinton called the US health care
> system "insane." See below.
Mario responds:
This is more political spin.  Your health system is
adequate for a socialist country, hardly envious.
As recently as last year Canadians were begging the
government to be allowed to buy private health
insurance.  Imagine having to beg one's government to
be able to buy private health insurance!
Why would anyone want to PAY for private insurance if
the FREE system was so "envious"?  In 1994 Hillary
Clinton tried to sell the Canadian type of system in
the US, and, as a result, the Democrats lost both
houses of the Legislature for the first time in 40
years, and have been unable to win even one of these
back since then.  Canadians are coming across the
border for serious medical procedures because of the
waiting list in Canada.
The fact is that Canadian gas prices have consistently
been much higher than US gasoline prices. 
Mervyn writes:
> Hugo Chavez faces an election within the year. His
> current approval rating is 61%. I need not mention
> that George Bush's approval rating is 29%.
Mario responds:
Actually, Hugo Chavez has a 100% approval rating, just
like his friend, Fidel Castro.  Like Fidel, he will
win a landslide electoral victory running against
himself, with hapless Jimmy Carter, who never saw a
dictator he did not approve of, certifying the
Mervyn writes:
> DUH! Restricting supply, sends the price of oil and
> profits up. Is this difficult to understand? 
Mario responds:
In the US, as ONE of a co-equal THREE part government
with a free market economic system, President Bush has
no way to restrict any oil supplies.  In fact, if you
followed American politics, you would know that he has
been trying to encourage drilling in Alaska, but the
Legislature has not gone along due to pressure from
Restricting supplies to increase profits, huh?  I
wonder why no one else has thought of that? 
Ingenious.  Why do businesses have sales, increase
production, outsource, insource, import, export, when
all they have to do is sit back and make more money by
selling less? 
Mervyn writes:
> Both men have a long history of having the major
> part of their portfolios in oil. There is no 
> trustee in the world who will take this info and 
> use it to invest in, say, the dot com sector. 
Mario replies:
That would not be a very good trustee since the
profitability of some dot com companies are far higher
than the oil companies.  EXXON had profits of 19
billion over the last 6 months.  Assuming the same
level of sales as EXXON, Google would have had 85
billion.  According to your theory, Google must be
restricting their sales!  DUH!
Besides, you have no way of knowing what they invested
in.  They are both oil men so it doesn't take genius
to speculate that they may have invested in oil
stocks.  Second, they have not invested their own
money since 2000.  As recently as 2003 the price of a
barrel of crude oil was less than half of what it is
now.  I thought everyone knew that.
Mervyn writes:
> Hugo Chavez supplies all of America with cheap gas.
Mario replies:
If you followed American business, you would know that
he doesn't.  I have two CITGO gas stations near by. 
Their prices are about the same as the BP and Sunoco
and EXXON gas stations.  I must tell them you said
that Big Hugo is supposed to be supplying me with
cheap gas:-))

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