--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario,
> Several Goanetters have pointed out that anyone can
> buy health insurance in Canada. That's the way it
> has always been. Everyone on Goanet, with one 
> exception, accepts this fact.
Mario replies:
If that were so then why were Canadians suing in court
to be able to buy private health insurance as recently
as a year ago?  What you are probably referring to is
that Canadians could buy private health insurance in
the US.
Mervyn writes:
> Thanks for flouting your obstinacy :-)
Mario replies:
Being obstinate about the truth is no vice:-))  The
Queen of England has no way of imposing herself on
Canada - she is Canadian Head-of-State because
Canadians want it that way.
Mervyn writes:
> The UN regularly ranks Canada as the best country in
> the world to live in. The criteria used are: HEALTH,
> education, housing and the economy. Bill Clinton
> describes the US health care system as "insane." Is
> it also difficult for you to believe a President of 
> the USA?
Mario replies:
Canada is one of the decent places to live in
especially for those who feel the need for a social
safety net and government paid health care.
However, the UN does not have much credibility any
more, where countries that violate the human rights of
their own citizens can be put on the Human Rights
Commission and countries that break the UN's arms
control policies can be put on the Arms Control
Commission.  Besides, I don't see anyone risking their
lives to get into Canada other than American deserters
and people with no other options.  On the other hand
there is a steady stream of Canadians and others
migrating to the US, which speaks for itself,
especially for those who want to be personally
independent, have limitless financial opportunity and
identify with a superpower that can and does go to the
aid of people around the world when they are oppressed
by either Mother Nature or by totalitarian tyrants.
Bill Clinton is very popular with gullible people
because he talks the talk, incessantly, but rerely
walks the walk as his 8 years as US president prove. 
As President he asked his wife to come up with a
Canadian-style health care system for the US and it
was roundly rejected by such overwhelming majorities
that his party has never been able to recover from the
electoral defeats that followed.  
Mervyn writes:
> Anyone who has to pay for a tank of gas knows that
> CITGO always has the best prices. The comment about
> "prices are about the same" speaks volumes about
> you.........
Mario writes:
Endlessly repeating this canard does not turn it into
a fact.  Anyone who lives in the US would tell you
that CITGO's gasoline prices are in the same ballpark
as Sunoco,, EXXON, BP, Mobil, Marathon, Total, etc.

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