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Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> In countries such as Canada, the Gulf,
>>> Singapore, influx is carefully controlled both 
>>> in terms of the quantity and quality that is 
>>> taken in and steps are put in place not to 
>>> disadvantage the indigenous population. 

I guess my query was more in regard to the Canadian
content of the last two lines in the above sentence.

> 1. Canada, Australia and New Zealand have a point
> system that monitors that just the right calibre of
> people get in.

Let me give you a brief explanation how the Canadian
point system works. Canada is a socialist country. It
has a "safety net" system where the unemployed get
free education, subsidized housing, cash, health and
other generous benefits.

If you do not qualify to migrate to Canada under the
"economic visa" program, you have to qualify under the
points system. Most immigrant applications score
within a few points of qualifying for visa. That's the
way the system is devised. In order to get those last
few points, the potential immigrant has to get someone
in Canada to "sponsor" him/her.

The Canadian sponsor signs a bond agreeing to
reimburse the govt for any monies the sponsored person
claims in govt aid during the first ten years in

As you can imagine, no Canadian resident will agree to
sponsor his lazy bum or barbarian relative. This is
one way to control the quality of immigrants without
getting politicians involved. 

PS. In the 1970's, Canadian recruiters were going to
banks in E. Africa and asking the hard working Goan
staff to migrate to Canada pointing out to the
potential immigrants that they could benefit from
three pensions i.e. a matching contributory, an
employer and a govt pension.

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