>From  cornel
If I get the time, I will fill in some gaps re the formation of the Goan

Association in the UK. My earliest meeting in this cause was at a
hostel in Manor Park, London, in around mid 1962 or early 1963. 


The first recorded Goan Social in London was an impromptu affair held on
the 26 Dec. 1962 which was scheduled to take place at the Catholic
Students Hostel, Manor Park, London.  We arrived at the venue to find
that the premises had been double booked and the Ghanaian wedding
reception took precedence. An alternative venue had to be found and
after some desperate phone calls we adjourned to a church hall in
Finsbury Park.  I was the only person there with wheels - a Lambretta
scooter.  The food and drink had to be ferried across with several trips
by this mode of transport. 

The social was an intimate and pleasant affair with about 30 attendees,
mainly ex-Mombasa Goans.  We ran out of beer early in the afternoon and
I managed to find supplies after scouring the neighbourhood.

Prior to this social, there used to be small informal meetings of Goans,
mainly at weekends, at the Kenya Students hostel in Great Cumberland
Place, Marble Arch but in 1963 the Manor House hostel became the
favoured venue.  

However, the first UK Goan Association was probably the Goan League (UK)
- I have a publication they issued in 1958 with the address of 77 Dean
Street, Soho, London. Coincidentally the address is now that of the Red
Fort, an upmarket Indian restaurant much favoured by Keith Vaz and other
MPs.  The Goan League (UK) was formed to campaign for independence from
Portuguese rule. One of the founders wrote a letter to The Times and
apparently after pressure from the Portuguese Embassy, he lost his job
with Barclays Bank. 

The small hall in Oxford Street which Gabe refers to was the Notre Dame
Church Hall.  I have fond memories of it as I literally bumped into my
wife-to-be there, many years after we had been next door neighbours in

Eddie Fernandes

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