--- ralph rau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario seems to be very sure that Dubai is funding
> terrorist organisations. He probably has access to
> reliable sources. One hopes these are not the same
> sources that Bush depended on for information about
> Iraqi WMD.
Mario responds:
I rechecked my sources and found that I was wrong in
my previous assertion that Dubai was actively funding
terrorist organizations.  However, other than that,
you don't seem to know much about what is really going
It was the Bush administration that proposed and
strongly supported the Dubai Ports deal because they
believe that Dubai is a reliable ally in the war on
terrorism.  It was opposed by many in Congress because
of a) suspicion that the UAE, of which Dubai is a
part, was one of the locations that Al Qaeda financial
transactions were being channeled through, b) the fact
that two of the 9/11 terrorists were from the UAE, and
c) Because Dubai does not recognize Israel, whose
survival is guaranteed by the US.
Are you aware that in the US, the Congress, as an
institution, is co-equal in Constitutional power with
the President and the Judiciary?
Regarding Iraq's WMD's, your knowledge is also very
poor.  Were you aware that in 1998, way before Bush
became President, Bill Clinton proposed and signed The
Iraq Liberation Act, based on Iraq's WMDs and the
concern that Saddam would provide these to US enemies?

Are you aware that the intelligence services of the
entire civilized world believed that Iraq had WMD's? 
The evidence lies in the 17 UN resolutions since 1991,
demanding an accounting of these WMD's, which Iraq had
admitted having in 1991.  The last one in early 2003,
No. 1441, was passed unanimously, and contained an
ultimatum of serious consequences if Saddam did not
comply.  BTW, when these series of UN resolutions
started in 1991, George W. Bush was not even Governor
of Texas.
That Iraq was unable to comply with these UN
resolutions after being given over a decade to do so,
in spite of crippling economic sanctions and finally
an ultimatum, proves that they did have the WMD's. 
You apparently believe the illogic that because the
WMD's were not found, Iraq had none.
The more plausible explanation is simply that they are
still hidden either in Iraq or Syria.  Stocks of
chemical and biological WMD's do not require much
space.  The logic behind this version is that, had
Iraq really not had WMD's, Saddam would have been able
to comply with any one of the 17 UN resolutions, the
last one containing an ultimatum of serious
consequences by force.  By showing UN inspectors he
had no WMD's he could have maintained his cushy
dictatorship and continued sadistically brutalizing
his people and building even more palaces.  He had
already tortured, raped, and massacred hundreds of
thousands of his own people in order to maintain his
dictatorship, so how does it make sense that he would
then risk losing it all by not disclosing that he did
not have something that he did not have?
Regarding errors and omissions in Forbes Magazine, I
suggest you refer any you find to the Editors of that

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