Re your post, unfortunately, Mario does not wish to understand what most of the world has to say about the disastrous American war in Iraq but only to listen to American propaganda which is now gearing itself for the forthcoming elections. Unfortunately, even such highly expensive propaganda does not seem to be working at all for Bush, Goveia etc.

At the latest count, 2500 young American soldiers have lost their lives, two are killed each day, 80,000 have been wounded and are treated badly on their return instead of as heroes as one might have expected. The Iraqi deaths which run into many many thousands are not even recorded by the American administration.

I once said that if the whole world said that the sky was blue, Mario was capable of insisting it was red! Need I say more?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Elisabeth Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <goanet@goanet.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 4:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re: Dubai & Terrorism/response to Mario

Dear Mario,
Sometimes you make me laugh and laugh and laugh. I laugh so hard, I just roll off my couch. Believe me there are more weapons of mass destruction, hidden by my little daughter, underneath my couch than there are in Iraq.
Mario wrote:

You apparently believe the illogic that because the WMD's were not found, Iraq had none. The more plausible explanation is simply that they are still hidden either in Iraq or Syria. Stocks of chemical and biological WMD's do not require much space. The logic behind this version is that, had Iraq really not had WMD's, Saddam would have been able to comply with any one of the 17 UN resolutions, the last one containing an ultimatum of serious consequences by force.

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