On Fri, 16 Jun 2006 cornel wrote :

I .. conclude that ... Goanet is often a pretty useful learning instrument.

To me at least, Goanet has been one.  Not just an
instrument of learning, but more.  I have rediscovered
old friends and made new ones, sought and obtained
assistance.  To cite an instance.  I had this four-year
problem with a well-known insurance company in S. Africa.
I knew the blokes were taking advantage of the geographical
distance, the prohibitive costs of litigation vis-a-vis
the stakes involved.  A post to Goanet provided a lead,
from Gabe Menezes in London.  He put me on to a Goan,
an editor with a publishing company in the target city.
The lady consulted some lawyer friends and arrived
with an inexpensive via media, which I didn't even
imagine existed.  Did it produce near instant results!
That's just one way Goanet has helped me.

As Gabe himself puts it in another post today, Goanet
is also about checks and counter checks.  My only
regret is that we often go overboard checking and
countering one another, especially on futile issues
(more often after one another rather than the issue!),
like Goa's colonial past ... which I'm sure helps
neither the contenders nor the Goanet readers by way of
a thought-provoking debate -- nor, for that matter, Goa.

I look at Goanet's potential from the context of how,
for example, Israel greatly benefits from its diaspora
returning to their Promised Land (it's just a minor
spinoff that the Mossad can, at will, place an undercover
agent in any part of the world ... they have hundreds
of Israelis who'd perfectly gel in Kerala or Kenya.)
Or like Japan, which used it's peacetime commercial
maritime lines to gather the world's most formidable
intelligence of ports, bridges and port cities, before
the age when satellites were put into the sky.

The Goan diaspora bears an immense resource: of experience
from around the world.  A multiplicity of ideas that
could the distilled for the greater good of Goa. Goanet
is slowly bringing that diaspora on a common platform.

In respect to Goanet as a learning instrument, thanks are definitely due to the founders of Goanet ..
Cornel DaCosta, London, UK

One needs to be, significantly to the Principal Founder,
who I know is your nephew by marriage ;-)  I'm entirely
with you that the admin team must sometimes feel they're
into a thankless task.  No Goanet reader in her or his
right mind will fail to bear a deep, maybe unexpressed,
sense of appreciation and gratitude to Herman Carneiro
and the Fred-Bosco-Viviana team (I'm told there are four,
but I don't know who the fouth admin is) -- for what they
have done and are doing, every single day, 365.

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