--- Valmiki Faleiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To me at least, Goanet has been one.  Not just an
> instrument of learning, but more.  I have
> rediscovered old friends and made new ones, sought 
> and obtained assistance.  
Mario adds:
I endorse the eloquently stated sentiment above.
Valmiki writes:
> My only regret is that we often go overboard 
> checking and countering one another, especially on 
> futile issues (more often after one another rather 
> than the issue!), like Goa's colonial past ... 
> which I'm sure helps neither the contenders nor the 
> Goanet readers by way of a thought-provoking 
> debate -- nor, for that matter, Goa.
Mario observes:
Since this is an open world-wide forum which is
dedicated to free speech (with some moderation),
perhaps you should cut the members some slack in their
choice of subject, commentary, response and
counter-response.  What may be thought-provoking for
one member may be boring or irritating for another at
any given time.  No one forces us to read every post
or follow every thread.  While some prefer a narrow
focus on Goa, others, who are just as Goan as anyone
else but live elsewhere, may have other interests from
time to time.  Why should you care?  Isn't that what
free speech is all about?
Valmiki writes:
> I look at Goanet's potential from the context of
> how, for example, Israel greatly benefits from its
> diaspora returning to their Promised Land (it's 
> just a minor spinoff that the Mossad can, at will, 
> place an undercover agent in any part of the 
> world ... 
Mario asks:
Was it really necessary to mention Mossad and
undercover agents when talking about a country that
has continuously been in survival mode for almost 60
years from most of it's neighbors, some of whom
threaten to "wipe it off the map" on an almost weekly
Valmiki writes:
> The Goan diaspora bears an immense resource: of
> experience from around the world.  A multiplicity 
> of ideas that could the distilled for the greater 
> good of Goa.  Goanet is slowly bringing that 
> diaspora on a common platform.
Mario adds:
Again, I agree and sense that this has already begun.
Valmiki writes:
> One needs to be, significantly to the Principal
> Founder, who I know is your nephew by marriage ;-)  
> I'm entirely with you that the admin team must 
> sometimes feel they're into a thankless task.  No 
> Goanet reader in her or his right mind will fail to 
> bear a deep, maybe unexpressed, sense of 
> appreciation and gratitude to Herman Carneiro
> and the Fred-Bosco-Viviana team (I'm told there are
> four, but I don't know who the fouth admin is) -- 
> for what they have done and are doing, every single 
> day, 365.
Mario adds:
I would like to take this opportunity to add my
personal appreciation and gratitude to that expressed
quite eloquently by Valmiki above, not only to the
shadowy Herman for his foresight as the Founder (I'm
glad to hear the relationship is only by
marriage:-))), but also a special VIVA to Viviana,
Bosco and Fred (I'm not aware of a fourth) all of
whose stress levels increased exponentially after I
discovered Goanet :-))
Thanks for a job well done - most of the time :-))
Thanks especially for the time you take, and your
caring, to do such a stressful job voluntarily.
Notwithstanding our growing list of vociferous
pseudo-humanists, and real atheists/agnostics, God
Bless you all!

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