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Cornel, there are a lot of misunderstandings in Goanet.

Most of them can be avoided if we make the extra effort to understand each
other. Unfortunately, that does not happen often. Hence, the forum as a
whole loses out tremendously because instead of making it a learning
instrument we rather use it to destroy each others' points of view. Instead
of learning and understanding each other all we try to do is score points.

As that was not enough, we then have a "censorship" team which is far from
understanding and far from neutral. But this is my opinion and I have made
it clear to Herman Carneiro and to the other administrators more than once.

But nothing much changes around here anyway. This is why there is not much
to learn in this forum.

You thought Constantino was giving you a 'mouthful' by replying with a
dictionary definition and by addressing you with the title of Prof.

I am 100% sure Constantino did not intend to give you a 'mouthful'. But that
is because I know Constantino well and have got a lot in common with him.
Your reading was obviously different and that was the cause of the problem.

Constantino is a master in diplomacy and I still believe that you
misunderstood him completely. I think his last response to you is very

Anyway, what is the point of going through this all over again?

Lets just move on.

Best regards

> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of cornel
> Sent: 19 June 2006 15:40
> To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Journalism in Portuguese India 1821-1961
> Hi Paulo
> I have only just seen your post and am sorry I could therefore not have
> replied sooner.
> I have to disagree with your view that I had misunderstood Constantino.
> I had not assumed anything when I asked Constantino, most politely, and
> very
> briefly, what he meant by Continental Portugal in his presentation? He
> could
> have given me a simple answer and I would have been more than happy.
> However, I got a 'mouthful' instead before I could even duck!  So, where
> was
> my misunderstanding in the first instance? I did not even have the time
> nor
> opportunity to misunderstand Constantino! If in doubt, please read his
> first
> reply to my very humble question.
> I really would be very intrigued if you disagreed with the comment above.
> Regards
> Cornel

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