Hi Marlon,

Thanks for your post. Are you suggesting your memory is failing? 
Thanks for admitting, "the inquisition took place a couple of decades after the 
Portuguese took over the coastal regions." 
From a 100+ years, it (temple destruction in Bardez and Salcette) becomes less 
than a couple of decades!  The rest of your post is the usual spin.  

I gave you the opportunity to place many events and dates both on the military 
actions and the church buildings in Goa.  Yet, you and Vivek seek to discuss 
history with no dates.  Perhaps your history books on Goa haven taken your 
You don’t know what military events took place around 1565 and in 1570?
Let me give you a hint. They were textbook examples of military action followed 
by a military land-grab.
I am not a military man; pun aum ek supurlo Goenkar murree! who got my interest 
in history at Loyola High School, Margao.

Please take your time to give us some answers and the dates on your claims. (I 
will respond to the Stupas)
Or, be an officer and a gentleman and just say, "I don't have any dates!"
Kind Regards, GL

PS: Vivek:  Thanks for responding that YOU don’t have any factual / first hand 
information on the works of SFX.  Marlon has responded about your reasons.  I 
may just add that, there are written books on human society living 60,000 years 
ago. Yet, you have a problem finding information on Goa about 500 years ago.  
Good going mate.:=))

Marlon Menezes  
The date quoted by me regarding the Inqusition was made from memory. I stated 
there was a 100 year gap between the original Portuguese conquest of Ilhas 
versus your statement below of it being 50 years. 
What is clear is that your own dates verify my statements and contradict your 
claims that the temples were destroyed as part of general military action that 
was not connected with religion. 
 Your statements below clearly show that the inquisition took place a couple of 
decades after the Portuguese took over the coastal regions. 
--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Re: The destruction of Hindu Temples to build Churches 
> This post should be called: Revision class on Goa's history! 
> In your last post you claimed some historical facts. 
> You did so with much confidence (to prove me 
> wrong!).  Obviously as a smart individual, you would 
> not be making a fool of yourself.  So, I can only 
> blame the authors of the books and web pages that 
> you read (as obviously you, like me, were not there 
> in the 16th century).  
> Yet the more you and others write THE FACTS, the........ 
> Albuquerque achieves his Goa victory on November 25, 1510.  
> The Portuguese acquire Bardez and Salcette in 1543.  
> The inquisition was introduced to Goa in 1560. 
> Now please read what you have written below in your own handwriting. 
> Then compare your dates to the remainder of the history posted after your 
> post. 
> Kind Regards, GL
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