Storm in a World Cup

The year is 2010, the place is South Africa
World Cup fever running high
The excitement in India reaches delirium pitch
As our team qualifies in a shocking win
A chance to bring the trophy home

Newspaper headlines shout it out
Television anchors already hoarse
Biographies of players on the Internet
World Cup mementoes sell off the shelves
The nation dreams the same dream each night

Life comes to a standstill
Every time India plays a match
Followed by frenzy when they win
Be still, one billion hearts 
This dream is not a dream

In Goa, there is no cure
For the madness swirling around
Four Goans on the Indian team
Four heroes to welcome home
Four villages swooning with joy 

In Goa, it’s twice as wild
Portugal is in the fray too
Double the pleasure of anticipation
Double the reason to celebrate
Another viva and some port for old times' sake

The quarterfinals stoke the fire
The Indian press cannot keep up
With the need for superlatives
As our team makes it to the last four
Along with Germany, Italy and Portugal

The semi-final lineup is rich in irony
Fate must be smirking at this twist
India to face off with Portugal
Who will the Goans cheer for?
Whose victory will we toast?

Who are we Gons after all
Mirror, mirror on the wall?

Cynthia Gomes James

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