And it was refreshing to read Sucheta Potnis' piece in the GT (Jul 4,
2006) captioned "Fitting Punishment", the on the spot purges for
peeing in public, for erratic driving, no matter who, for ejecting
garbage missiles of  plastic bags out from two wheelers, cars and
buses etc.  And I promise Sucheta that when Goa Su-Raj takes over
Goa's governance from these existing political hyenas, who, through
their incompetence and 'arslekar' attitude to consolidate their
vote-banks,  have inadvertently cultivated  these seemingly minor
irritants which actually are the biggest  headaches, will stop
automatically before one could say jack-robbins, for, this is the most
prized recipe that we at Goa Su-Raj have been refining on, to replace
the fine-chalans,  arrests and court cases, with on the spot simple
but humiliating purges. And this recipe has been cooking with us on
the line of the erstwhile Portuguese regime. And it would not be
proper for me not to give a couple of examples of the effective recipe
used by the Portuguese in Goa.

Ex 1:  Seems a young Dhobitalao  (Bombay) toughie was in Goa to stand
by the side of  a dear friend getting married, as his  'BESTMAN',
sporting a  Michael Jackson/Rajesh Khanna hair-style. It is believed
that at the Panjim-Betim ferry crossing this young toughie got into an
argument with the policeman (soldad) over some silly misdemeanor.  He
was hauled to the Police station pronto,  where he  probably  and
proudly confessed that he was  in Goa to be the bestman for his
friend. Next twenty minutes he was walking back to the ferry, sporting
only half the hair do with the other half cleanly shaved off. Good-bye
'DEHD'EA'  (the Konkani word for  bestman). This lad would probably
give a  wide berth to a policeman on duty throughout his entire life.
A lesson well learnt?.

Ex. 2: As I well remember those good old days, the Portuguese police
used to patrol at random at the dead of the night. During one such
patrol at Siolim, a couple of guys were seen squatting/sleeping in the
verandah of a closed house. The patrol hauled them up to the Mapusa
quartel (PS) thinking that they were thieves. On questioning, this duo
told the police that they were friends and neighbours and that they
always sleep in the verandah at night. Both came out in the morning
with a stern warning to sleep in their own houses henceforth but
without their XHENDIs ( typical Indian strip of long hair at the back
of the head) that both were sporting. Surprise of Surprises !. This
particular action by the Portuguese police was to become the duo's
passport to get into the list of Goa's freedom fighters.  And one of
them has been recently honoured at Goa's Azad Maidan at the hands of
our esteemed Governor and the Chief Minister. Yes! Have a good laugh.

And once again the Official Language of Goa, our 'Mai Bhas' has come
to haunt us Goans with  Devnagri versus Romi conflict in the making.
And as usual, the government of the day, which is the legitimate
Government of Goa,  when dealing with this sensitive issue of the
State's official language, has coyly and irresponsibly passed it on to
its  High Command in Delhi.  instead of putting its heads together and
coming to a mutual understanding to solve the problem. And, look who
is talking about  'Communal disruptions' !!  What communal disruptions
are the mergerists talking about??? Why?? Is the Congress lead
coalition incapable of solving this Goa Centric problem, which is the
legitimate demand of Goans? What has Goans got to do with the
Congress' Delhi High Command and Madame Sonia Gandhi?. Or, for that
matter, with  any Command at all?  The people of Goa are indeed
foolish. They cannot see the foot that is kicking them in their butts,
but are content to lick the hand that is slapping them in their faces,
 all with  greedy hopes that the  very hand will feed them
sufficiently well and even pat their backs for them for enduring the
kicks and slaps.  Louts of the first order that we Goans are, I say.
Instead of kicking the Congress  out of Goa and onto Delhi, we are
tolerating it. And Churchill has made it his business to eat in the
Congress plate with one hand and brush the food off the plate with the
other.  That way he is going to be a very  hungry man in times to
come. And come to think of it, it is not surprising that  some ex-pat
Goans have taken it on themselves to lecture us at Goa Su-Raj  on the
need of a 'national party' to rule us in Goa. Whatever happened to the
regional pride, I wonder!  How submissive and bankrupt could we
become,  is the question our future generations will have to answer
for us. And, in what way are we wrong at Goa Su-Raj when we ask Goans
to say 'Yes'  to Goa's own Command in Goa??  KONKANI  in any script is
still KONKANI, our ' MOTHER TONGUE'.  And who is Adv. Uday Bhembre to
tell us otherwise or Madam Sonia Gandhi to decide for us?? Let our
KONKANI be expressed in as many scripts as possible and let  Goans
enjoy the benefits of them all.  This way our Mai Bhas could only get
richer and not diluted. I have found that out the hard way. Very
recently Goa Su-Raj embarked on voice recording of  dialogue between
two persons to be a part of our all Goa pre-election campaign. The
matter to be recorded was written by me in Romi Konkani, a veritable
translation of the English version. At the recording studio, the
female tiatrist of repute (a Christian from South Goa) started
fumbling miserably with (my) Romi script.  Every time I re-read the
lines for her, I saw her jotting down the same in Devnagri. And every
time she did that, she sailed through the dialogue. As for me, though
I had Hindi for 2 years in  college, I am a virtual zero at Devnagri.

And I must congratulate Mr. Chandrakant Keni for his beautiful
write-up "WRESTLING THE SNAKE"  in Goa Today (July) where he makes an
impassioned plea to Goans to be sensitive, for once, towards POLITICS.
  They say that one's necklace, if broken, always, but always, falls
in one's  own lap. So also, I am happy to see that Mr. Keni finds that
the luster of the cult image he has helped to build-up for  the
imposter, the  first CM of Goa,  Bahusaheb Bandodkar, has ultimately
dulled in his eyes. I had asked Mr. Keni a question before, and I
shall ask him a few more questions  today:

"Mr. Keni, don't you think it is a little too late in your lifetime,
that you should tell Goans at large, well after 45 years of being
liberated from the erstwhile Portuguese regime,  to  look at
'politics'  as a necessity and to stop considering it as 'Oxigh'
(dirty)?  And  have you realized only yesterday that the great
'Mahatma' had equated politics as a coiled-up snake which engulfs
everyone of us, and that we need to wrestle with it to escape to
freedom?  Haven't you and your  contemporaries allowed that political
snake to acquire the girth of a python to hold Goans in a crippling
embrace? Am I wrong to sincerely wish you many more years to live so
that you, and others like you,  may reverse the mind-block of the
helpless and taken-for-a-ride masses you have helped to create with
your detrimental writings so that they and their children may benefit
from it.???"

We at Goa Su-Raj, for your kind information, Mr. Keni,  have realized
six solid years ago  that politics affects each and every one of us
from sun down to sun rise, from the time we are up and about, even
when we are asleep. That it is in our own interest  that we must  look
at politics favourably by participating in it, understanding it,  and
try, to the very best of our abilities, to improve its functioning for
our own sake.  And people like you, who are the solid rock of our
society,  and who could have done wonders in enlightening the masses,
chose  to be  blind  to  realities  and have been mercilessly
brainwashing them by telling them that they must look up to political
misfits like Bahusaheb Bandodkar as GODs. What is happening to Goa's
politics today, which you now conveniently disapprove of,  is the
continuation of the policies of the same GOD you have helped create in
the eyes of the masses and which policies are carried on by his sworn
'chelas' (Ranes, Naiks, Narvekars, Khalaps, Shirodkars et al) in the
present government.  It is easy to do a 'wrong'. But it is extremely
difficult to reverse it back to a 'right' . I wish you all the very

And it is very heartening to read in the papers that some top retired
bigwigs who really possess what it takes, have gotten together to
wrestle the snake of CORRUPTION in   India as a whole. (NT June 24
2006- Pg-7)  With Ex-Chief Justice of the Supreme Court R.C. Lahoti,
Ex-Chief Election Commissioner Mr. J.M. Lygndoh and Ex-Super Cop Mr.
Julio Ribeiro as founder members of the  'India Rejuvenation
Initiative" – 'IRI'  this is a most welcome news for people like me
and others who have been battling this snake, which in Goa, in
particular, has attain the hydra-headed status. The Goa Su-Raj Party,
in its congratulatory letter to IRI has suggested 3 Goan names for
IRI's branch in Goa, headed by, as its nodal officer,  Mr. Aravind P.
Bhatikar (I.A.S.) retired.  I wish IRI all the very best and relax in
the understanding that TORA TORA TORA  has at last arrived on the
immediate horizons of India.

And I am very happy that the editor of 'Goa Today',  Mr. Vinayak Naik,
 has found it fit and proper to include the preamble and excerpts of
the suggestions and objections offered by Goa Su-Raj Party on
effective electoral reforms  to the Chairman of the Parliamentary
Committee, New Delhi, which visited Goa sometime ago,  in the
'Letters' section of the Magazine.  Thank you indeed Mr. Naik.
Needless to say that your PANORAMA 'Marathiphiles' Foul Howl' is
greatly appreciated…nay… admired.  " MORE POWER TO YOUR PEN"

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