Frederico  Noronha on Women buying sex in Goa too! wrote the following 

1: The subject-line should read: Women *too* buying sex in Goa too!

2: I'm not so sure thought that "buying" sex necessarily means enjoying it.

3: To me, this is another means of the capitalist society's more-is-better 
sales pitch;.....Such thinking even counters the basic economic 'law of 
diminishing utility'.

4: Men have been "buying" sex for generations mainly because of their 
political power, and the fact that it's so disgustingly cheap!

5: When doing some work in the Baina red-light area, I was.. etc

==== jc's response


FN 1: I'd say that Fred is the expert on 'subject lines'. He must be right.

FN 2: It is not for Fred or me to be sure or even curious or speculative 
about what and whether these women are enjoying the sex they buy. As far as 
I am concerned, Sexual Activity is a normal activity of adults. Only 
religion and victorian dys-values have made it something 'sinful' or 
'kaala'.  Besides, Sexual Activity is a private matter. Unlike what some 
"righties" believe, What happens consensually between a Man and a Woman is 
NOT the business of others, as long as Sex is not used to cause an offence.

Do men and women always enjoy the meal they buy? Is it not enough that food 
takes care of their hunger? Why do men or women have to necessarily enjoy 
the sex they buy? Is it not enough that it satisfies their needs?

There are many people who frequent restaurants for food. A good percentage 
of them go there because it is too difficult to travel home for a meal, it 
is boring to eat alone, the meal is kind of tastless at home etc etc. Is it 
possible that these women are in a similar predicament wrt their sexual 

There is a well known adage that money does not necessarily buy happiness. 
It is also well known that husbands are often so boring that women really 
get bored and lonely. Sometimes they turn to other men, sometimes to other 

But let's not talk about that - there is NO sex in India. If we talk about 
it too loudly ....there will be Fire on the streets.

FN 3: Wow!

FN 4: Perhaps so ....but there might be a simpler but harder reason for Men 
buying sex.

FN 5: That is your business ... I have no comment (:-)



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