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The vexed language issue has resurfaced on the Goan horizon, again threatening 
to divide Goan society, which has lived a peaceful co-existence since pre-
liberation, on communal basis as it did nearly 20 year ago.

Seeing this peaceful co-existence firsthand, the late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru 
had appealed to the people of a freshly liberated Goa to always maintain their 
unique identity amidst mainstream India as Goa had a lot to teach the rest of 
India on communal harmony.  However, today there is a potential time-bomb set 
ticking by unscrupulous politicians for very selfish gains in the form of 
script issue regarding the official language of the state.  These hedonistic 
forces are out to destroy Goa and Goans by a great communal divide.  Hence, my 
brethren BEWARE!

Goa is geographically, historically, genetically and culturally an integrated 
part of the konkan region and obviously the mother tongue in this konkan 
region is Konkani which is written either in Devanagiri or Romi depending on 
the manner in which Konkani is spoken in that region.

This is an undisputed fundamental truth and has no nexus whatsoever with 
religious sentiments of the people of the region.  However, the partisan 
forces actively at work in the state, operating in a subtle manner, have 
twisted the script issue to such illogical conclusions that they have very 
slyly brought on the Marathi language which is a language of the Maratha 
region and are trying to project the same as the official language of Goa. 

This is a paradox as the language of the Marathas cannot be claimed to be the 
mother tongue of the Konkani?s of Goa.  Agreed that the Maratha region 
having common boundaries and historical links with the Konkan region, there is 
an overlap and integration of cultures of both regions.

If Marathi should be the official language of Goa of the Konkan region, then 
it would be justifiable to make Konkani the official language in Maharashtra 
of the Maratha region.

This is taking the language imbroglio to its logical conclusion.

We, the people of Goa, had fought a war with divisive forces twenty years ago 
on the language issue and justifiably Konkani was made the official language 
of Goa after due deliberations. 

Konkani is the sole official language of the State of Goa in both it?s 
variants ? Devanagiri & Romi.

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