Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Catholic Church's position on homosexuality
> does not apply to me because I am not homosexual.
> --- Elisabeth Carvalho wrote:
> Dear Mario,
> Does the Catholic Church's position on abortion
> also not apply to you because you are not a woman?
> >
> Mario responds:
> >
> That's right.
> >
> Elisabeth writes:
> >
> Or its position on killing not apply to you
> because you haven't killed anyone?
> > 
> Mario responds:
> >
> Now you're being silly and counter-intuitive. 
> Here's why.
> >
> The other two examples clearly do not apply to me
> personally as I CANNOT have a homosexual
> relationship or have an abortion.

In today's world, a couple will say that "we" had a
child or "we" had an miscarriage. If the couple is
having marital difficulties, it is "we" are having
relationship problems. I think the problem you have is
that you are from an era where everything was "I."

> Mario responds:
> However, in this example, it clearly does apply to >
me as I CAN theoretically kill someone even if I 
> have not yet done so.

I don't think you are capable of killing anyone.
However, anyone who goes around describing himself as
a barbarian and using the name of Jesus Christ to cuss
is doing an excellent job of killing himself


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