--- Elisabeth Carvalho wrote:

> No Dear Mario,
> It is you who are being extremely silly and I will
> demonstrate why with an example, which unfortunately
> is a true one.
> Back in those days, there used to be establishments
> (restaurants and clubs) in Dubai which were "members
> only", which was an euphemistic way of saying
> "Whites only".
> One day it happened that a party of Brits wanted to
> dine at one such restaurant. Amongst their party was
> a young lad married to a beautiful UK born Indian, 
> who for all purposes you couldn't really tell was 
> Indian except for that day she had worn a sari. 
> They were told at the doorway, that the girl could 
> not be admitted in.The entire group left in 
> disgust. 
> The members/patrons of such establishments can chose
> one out of two inferences depending on their
> respective actions.
> a) I concur with the rules of this establishment and
> will continue to patronise it or be a member of it,
> because I too believe that discrimination and
> segregation is valid in life.
> b) I will not be a member of this establishment
> because I have serious issues with the rules and the
> ideology behind those rules.
> You can't jolly well say, the rules don't apply to
> me because I'm not the one being discriminated 
> against.
> Comprendez? Now, about that antacid, do you still
> want me to send you some :))
Mario responds:
No entiende.  And I will only need antacids when my
logic and facts are challenged, which don't seem to be
in any jeopardy just yet:-))
As has now become typical, in your unseemly eagerness
to be RIGHT [even though you are waaaay LEFT] you
continue to use irrelevent absurdity as a substitute
for relevent common sense.
To begin with, the topic was not discrimination, but
rock solid tenets of personal behavior.  Yet you use
an example of racial discrimination to try and make
your case.
Tenets of personal behavior means that strictures
against homosexuality apply to homosexuals, and
strictures against women having abortions apply to
women [perhaps you have missed the extreme feminist
position that this is a woman's prerogative, and her's
alone], whereas strictures against murder and racial
discrimination apply to everyone.
Now take that antacid before you risk any further
flights into fantasy land:-))

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