--- Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mario,
> Re your public harangue to Albert who was merely
> giving us a pinag recipe, I have the following to 
> comment:
Mario responds:
Come on in, the water's fine:-))
Thanks for haranging me for haranging Albert.  Not
very original - even a tad hypocritical:-))  But, what
the heck!  Let's take it from the top, shall we?
It is precisely because Albert D'Souza was giving us a
Pinag recipe that I suggested he use the subject line
"Recipe for Pinag".  "Duh!" as my kids used to say
before they grew up and flew the coop.  What exactly
does "Albert writes" tell us about his subjects?
I hope you will be glad to learn that Albert, whom I
have communicated with privately and publicly, is a
pretty nice fellow and took my constructive criticism,
albeit a bit sharp around the edges as you
perceptively noticed, very positively.  Vinegar works
better than honey in some recipes:-))
Roland writes:
> a) After deleting all posts with the subject line
> "Albert writes"....
> Comment: This post of his seems to have escaped your
> deletion, since you are commenting on it.
Mario responds:
Roland, in your haste to harangue you seem to have
missed that I said I had decided to help Albert get
his posts read by more people, since until now no one
had responded to anything he had written.  I think
that's a clue, don't you?  "Albert writes" was too
risky, in my professional marketing opinion.
How could I give him a constructive suggestion on what
the subject line of the Pinag post should be without
knowing what the subject was?  Therefore, as you have
perceptively noted, I opened that particular post.
Roland writes:
> b) Who the heck is Albert?
> Comment: He mentioned about being a D'Souza.
Mario responds:
Roland, c'mon, man, you're kidding me, right?  You
must that D'Souza's are a dime a dozen.  I even
married one.  How does that tell us who "Albert
D'Souza" is?  There are probably hundreds of Albert
D'Souzas.  Unlike Goveia's, which are very rare. 
There are only two Mario Goveia's in existence the
last time I checked, and the other one lives in Mumbai
and used to be - maybe still is - the Manager of the
exquisite Goa Portuguesa Restaurant in Mahim.
Roland writes:
> c) Why should I be interested in what he writes?
> Comment: Your interest is optional.
Mario responds:
Your observation about my interest being optional is
amazingly accurate but misses the point [you sound
like my accountant]
I think that Albert would prefer that I open his
posts, and his responses to me prove it.  If you saw
his post today, his subject line was right on the
money.  There was absolutely no doubt what he was
writing about.  
Roland writes:
> d) He cannot even craft a descriptive line.
> Comment: I am not sure he tried.
Mario responds:
You have again missed the point altogether, with all
due respect.  That was the whole point of my post.  I
knew he could do it and he proved me right today.  I
think he just needed someone to bring it to his
attention, that's all.
Roland writes:
> e) I decided to make my opinion known to Albert.
> Comment: Your letter was adressed to Albert but you
> are making an aside to us. Terribly impolite, same 
> as in (d) above.
Mario observes:
You're right.  Mea culpa.  But it was about as
impolite as your current harangue don't you think? 
But that's how an open worldwide forum works, Roland,
whether you like it or not.  Seems like you've been
gone for awhile, or you would know I have a thick,
battle-scarred skin, metaphorically speaking, and have
been haranged by the best - or worst - harangers on
Goanet, often a whole howling pack of them at the same
Roland writes:
> f) Albert, with all due respect....
> Comment: If there is one sentiment absent in your
> writing to him, surely it is respect.
Mario observes:
You may want to reconsider that opinion, Roland, 
since you have impolitely butted into a post that has
nothing to do with you and proceeded to harangue me
about haranging Albert, who did not feel haranged at
all!  We don't want to be like a pot calling a kettle
black, do we?
Roland writes:
> g) "Albert writes" is patronising and redundant
> since we already know the poster is Albert.
> Comment: By that token your writing Mario at the end
> of your note was redundant since your email begins 
> with "From: Mario Goveia".
Mario observes:
Again, you are technically correct but in your haste
to harangue you have missed a couple of key points yet
again [you sure you're not an accountant?]:
a) every Goanet post identifies the sender by name, 
b) my subject line did not repeat the redundancy that
I was the sender, 
c) the signoff line is just an optional courtesy that
is used when polite people write notes to each other.
One does not see the sign off line until reading the
whole post, which was precisely what I was trying to
get people to read when Albert posts something. 
I would have no problem if Albert signs off every post
with Albert D'Souza - just not in the subject line.
Roland writes:
> h) It is not enough for many of us to take the
> trouble to open your post....
> Comment: Please speak for yourself. For me, it was
> enough.
Mario observes:
Which is probably why you did not try to help Albert
increase his readership even though you must have
noticed that he was not receiving any responses.  Not
very brotherly of you, was it?  
Roland writes:
> i) Since you are not eminent or famous or notorious
> enough yet...
> Comment: I was not aware these qualities are
> required to write on Goanet.
Mario observes:
It is absolutely required if you want the subject line
to say "So-and-so writes" and be read by any serious
Goanetter who does not have endless time on his hands.
For example, if George Menezes wrote "George Menezes
writes" as his subject line, I would open it in a
heartbeat because whatever George Menezes writes is
interesting whether you agree with him or not
I would open something that reads "Cecil says" because
I can count on it being witty and wry as heck. 
"Roland says", weeelll, I don't know yet, but your "I
don't know, son" schtick is in the right direction to
get you there.  Albert hasn't reached that level, yet.
Roland writes:
> j) If you used more descriptive titles, I may be
> encouraged to open your posts.
> Comment: What would it take Albert to move you from
> mere encouragement to actually opening his posts.
Mario responds:
A subject that reaches out and grabs me.  Like "Recipe
for Pinag" if I were into making Pinag.  The point is
I would consider opening it.  When the subject line is
"Albert writes", no chance unless it's a very
s-l-o-o-o-w day.
Roland writes:
> h)  For example, if you had titled the attached post
> "Recipe for Pinag" I'm sure a lot more people would 
> open and read the post than actually did with
> the title "Albert writes".
> Comment: I for one, am not so sure....
Mario responds:
Roland, I think, "I'm not sure, son" and "I don't
know, son" should be reserved for your satirical
posts, which, I must say, are pretty good, mainly
because they are witty and relatively pithy.
I think you might have waited until you were more sure
one way or another instead of launching into your
hasty harangue.
I am always sure of what I want to write, or I don't
write - which is why I offered Albert some
constructive criticism, which he took positively, but
for some strange reason, you did not.
No problem.  This is an open worldwide forum where
everyone's opinions are hung out to dry and for all to
see.  As they say, "It takes all kinds..."
And, at the risk of being redundant:-))

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