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--- Filomena Giese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "11.  Slums in Goa:  While in Jaipur, I read a Times
> of India account of the lakhs of illegal 
> Bangladeshi migrants entering Assam and the 
> northeastern states.
> The Assamese and other local people were thoroughly
> alarmed but government officials were taking no
> action because these illegal migrants would 
> constitute a “vote bank” for them.
Mario observes:
The last time I checked Bangladesh was a sovereign
country, which would make Bangladeshi's entering Assam
illegal immigrants, unable to vote.
Filomena writes:
> Too farfetched for Goa, I thought.  Such things only
> happen in other parts of India. Imagine my dismay
> to discover that slums of migrants exist in Goa 
> too.  
Mario observes:
Filomena, I don't know where you live, but similar
slums have existed in India for decades and exist in
almost every less developed country, including those
that have socialist economic systems which seek to
bring everyone down towards the lowest common
denominator, except for the ruling elite, of course.
Again, the last time I checked, the migrants to Goa
were from other parts of India, which would make them
legal migrants, following their natural instincts to
work and earn a living in order to survive.
Yes, in Goa, the "vote bank" theory would apply. 
Filomena writes:
> If I listed problems I noted in Goa, it is to share
> reality as I saw it.  If I were to propose
> solutions, you can bet that they would be 
> compassionate.  I care about the poor.  They don't 
> deserve to live in slums in today's wealthy India.  
> Goa doesn't deserve to be dotted with slums because 
> politicians and business people, as well as the 
> middle class, in other states as well as in Goa can 
> profit from them.  Slums are not caused by 
> democracy.  They are caused by excessive greed and 
> unchecked capitalistic greed.
Mario observes:
Finally, we are getting to the meat and potatoes.  The
solutions to the pesky problem of slums and why they
exist and what Filomena would do about them, which is
what I am eager to hear.
We already know she is contemptuous of business
people, the middle class and "greedy" capitalists. 
That leaves government bureaucrats and slum dwellers
assuming rural farmers are more like business people
in how they make a living.
But does Filomena know she is in august company?  The
Nehru family that controlled India for 50 wasted years
of socialism right after independence had the same
contempt for business people and greedy capitalists
that Filomena apparently has?
Does Filomena know that "official" contempt for
business people and capitalists was finally jettisoned
by Manmohan Singh's new-style Congress, reluctantly
aided and abetted by the BJP [and obstructed at every
turn by the communists in the ruling coalition] and
that throwing the mindless socialism of the Nehru
years into the thrash-heap of history where it
rightfully belongs is what has created the economic
boom in India that is amazing the rest of the world?
I don't know what solution Filomena has in mind, but I
think we need fewer bureaucrats and more business
people and more capitalists with enlightened
self-interest, so that they can create more jobs at
higher wages so that the current slum dwellers can
afford better housing and better schools for their
kids and grow themselves out of their current
condition and look towards other amenities of life
that India's socialism failed to provide for them.

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