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Dear Sunil,

Attitudes will never change as long as there is a 'law' that upholds
discrimination.  That is why it is so important to have section 377 removed
from the Indian Penal Code.  That would be the first step to changing
attitudes just as the legal acceptance of SAME-SEX MARRIAGE in Canada is
one large step to changing the attitudes of those who, unfortunately, have
been misguided by their spiritual leaders into believing that this is
'wrong' in the eyes of their gods.

Discussing individual attitudes towards contentious issues brings the topic
out of the closet and into the glow of enlightenment.  It is no longer a
'debate to be won' but providing the right information to those who wish to
learn and grow.  Others, who don't wish to have it stuffed in their face,
will be content to live their bigoted lives in ignorance.

HIV/AIDS has been associated with homosexual behaviour in the west
precisely because mainstream attitudes forced it into clandestine
promiscuity.  This is now changing as we discuss the issue openly.  The
Anglican church was split wide open on the issue with most of the world
against the Canadian/US Communion who have accepted openly 'gay' bishops
and celebrated same-sex marriages. 
The Catholics are still way behind, with other conservative religions,
coming up with pathetic arguments like 'God created the first marriage with
Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve'.

Wendell Rodricks has jeopardized his successful and illustrious career by
'coming out' under the suspicious eye of a deeply conservative religious
community.  He has put much more on the line to live his life according to
his principles and for that he should be commended by us and other
activists fighting for the same recognition.  It is not for the celebrities
that this wrong has to be righted, it is for the common men or women who
have to live their lives everyday in fear of being caught out on the 'wrong
side of the fence'.  It will be won when we fail to notice the orientation
of another human being.

Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.

Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 20:22:46 +0530
From: "sunil monteiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Abolish /amend section 377 not a solution

Dear Readers,

Abolishing this section will not be of much help at ago, what we need to
abolish is our negative mentality towads this subject. Before we look down
at people who are gays or lesbians in the Goan soceity, a question should
arise in mind what if one of our/my family member happens to be in such a
situation , how am i/we are going to handle it?

The isse of are Goans Homophobe being discussed on the net has nothing to
offer ,if one reads it carefully its mere an act of strenght as to who can
win this debate , it's more like playing minds of each other and that's not

Homosexuality/lesbianism etc etc, subject and issues should be discussed
openly , an awareness should be created about its pros and cons, discuss it
at home , school or any place just as we discuss sex, crime, adultry,
divorce, murder, rape etc we should be able to discuss such issues with law
makers like how/ what/if/why/when and the day is not far when things will
fall in place at it's right time , but we all need to work for it now not
for pure sexual satisfaction but mere understanding the feelings of same sex

Discussing the subject of Homosexuality and related issues should be a
constructive topic to be understood seriously due to HIV/AIDS.

The article by Mr.V.M de Malar where he mentions "THAT HARD WORKING SON OF
GOA WENDELL RODRICKS" does not go well , wonder what was he trying to
convey using Wendell's name , something like Gandhji/Nehruji or someone
else. (I Have a great respect to Wendell and no offence to him whatsoever)
.There must be lots of hardworking Goans who are gays/lesbians but not
successfull like wendell and hence they cannot be termed as hardworking.

If such topics can be discussed it has to be with a sole aim of coming to a
solution for those who are longing to come out of a closet , to those where
there is a hope of meeting their partners at a particular place and enjoy
their privacy and space. Just like the opposite sex would enjoy their
physical relationship at home in the same way the same sex too would do the
same, all they need is ventilation from their closet.

I would appreciate criticism with a solution on this note of mine and not
mere criticism for fun of it.


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