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Sheesh Kevin,

While faghag made me sound cool, faghagginess just
makes me sound like an unpalatable Scottish dish. :))
This is one of those issues I struggle with like the
death penalty. I can see both sides of the argument.

Society has experimented with quite a few ways to
raise children. Boarding schools, at one point, were
all the rage to instill discipline and structure into
a child's life. We now know that boarding schools are
not the optimal environment for a child. 

Orphanages, foster homes, single-parent homes,
polygamous environments, communes, all manage to
produce perfectly normal well-adjusted human beings.
Even Romulus raised by wolves turned out pretty ok.
Human are resilient that way. But, we also know these
are not optimal environments for a child. I have no
doubts that gay parents are as good a parent as any
heterosexual parent.

My bias in this lies from the point of the child. A
parent has to nurture a child not just through infancy
but through adolescence and adulthood. The two genders
in a traditional family each bring distinct dimensions
into play. As an adult who is still very much a child
to my parents, I relish the masculinity and femininity
of my family. There are facets to my father which my
mother could never emulate and vice versa. Every child
has much to gain from the duality of the male and the
female personae.

Anyway, that's my two cents and it's probably worth
even less :))



> Dear Selma,
> Your 'faghagginess' will need to be updated to
> include same-sex partners as
> excellent parents to completely normal, well
> adjusted, heterosexual
> children.  In fact, single-parent heterosexuals have
> more trouble raising
> their children, which is obviously not an ideal
> family but becoming more
> prevalent and accepted than same-sex parenting.

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