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Dear Selma(or the person holding her ransom!),

Should single mothers also be denied this "right" to raise children? They 
too do not fall in the category of a two-gender family. Is the government 
then going to legislate and control fundamental biological processes? Why 
don't us Indians just invite the Chinese to take us over and save us all 
this trouble of the democracy experiment?

What about divorce then. Once a couple has children, should divorce be 
banned? Since obviously it is not best for the emotional well being of a 
child to be brought up in shared/single custody.

If a murderer marries a drug dealer, they are allowed to have and raise 
kids, are we going to deny that right to well intentioned same sex couples. 
Many of these kids will come from adoption homes(in the case of male 
homosexuals). Are adoption homes better for a child's emotional well being 
than two loving parents? Heterosexual couples can have kids and leave them 
at adoption homes, but homosexuals can't adopt and raise them?

Where is the consistency in your argument? What are you actually trying to 
say? Are you just portraying yourself as a defender of equal rights because 
it is fashionable or because you truly believe in equality regardless of 
race, gender or sexual orientation? You strongly object to the word 
"bonkmaro" and then to come out with these views that are clearly 
homophobic(not withstanding your legendary faghag status). There is a 
difference between being politically correct and being liberal in thought.

Sunith Velho

P.S. Please do not accuse me of distorting your views. They are clearly 
mentioned under.

Selma writes:
However, the "right" to raise children
> is another matter. I for one, hope that India does
> not encourage any such moves. Not because I think
> homosexuals are incapable of raising good moral
> human beings, but because I earnestly feel that the
> emotional well being of a child is best served in a
> two-gender family. 

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