Dear Sunith,

Why would I accuse you of distorting my views when you
have stated them exactly as I have stated them?

All the arguments you have put forward make absolute
sense. I have no rebuttal. I speak only from my own
experience as a child and a parent. Already my
daughter, who is just a year old, is well aware of the
gender differences between her father and me. She
plays rough and tumble games with him, which she never
does with me. She "reads" books with me, which she
never does with him. 

Rosie O'Donnell, America's most celebrated lesbian
mother once said in an interview that her (adopted)
son says he wants a father. She doesn't have an answer
to this. Would he had been better off in an orphanage?
No, of course not. Would he have been better off with
a heterosexual family? We can't be sure. Is he better
off with Rosie and her girlfriend? How do we know?

The truth is, I don't have the answers and neither do
you. What we do have are some hypotheticals, which is
what most of us have to go by in life. This is my
opinion based on my hypothesis but it is subject to
change if new evidence should present itself.


--- Sunith Velho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Where is the consistency in your argument? What are
> you actually trying to 
> say? Are you just portraying yourself as a defender
> of equal rights because 
> it is fashionable or because you truly believe in
> equality regardless of 
> race, gender or sexual orientation? You strongly
> object to the word 
> "bonkmaro" and then to come out with these views
> that are clearly 
> homophobic(not withstanding your legendary faghag
> status). There is a 
> difference between being politically correct and
> being liberal in thought.
> Regards
> Sunith Velho

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