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--- Sunith Velho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In between these two preaching's was the only
> informative part of the post which was (quote) The 
> current explanation for this (statistical 
> significant) observation is that the surgery 
> depresses the immune system, allowing the 
> tumours to now behave and grow even more
> aggressively.  Hence cancer surgery 
> has undergone and is undergoing significant shift.
> (end of quote)
> To a lay person there were clearly TWO points, no
> distortion at all! The first was regarding latest 
> cancer treatment(very informative). The next one 
> was regarding the validation of a long standing
> "grandmother's observation" by a scientific 
> experiment(pure nonsense!). It was clearly this 
> second point you wanted to contradict and I have 
> clearly seen that as has anyone with a half-decent 
> command of the English language.
Mario responds:
As someone with a rudimentary command of the English
language it is quite obvious to me that your preamble,
"The problem in arguing with Gilbert is that the
"point" of his posts keeps changing..." etc. shows a
personal bias from some other experience that has
colored your subsequent analysis of this issue.  As
further proof, you went out of your way to misquote
Gilbert in order to make your point.
Specifically, in your post you wrote:
"In the very next line, following the description of
the mice study/experiment we are further
informed(quote)Thus the grandmother's observation was
accurate.(end of quote)"
This was not an interpretation; you were quoting
Gilbert, unfortunately with a quote HE had not made,
but using verbage from one of Santosh's posts.
Anyone who reads Gilbert's original post would know

The actual quote after the mice experiment is as
"So "old grand-mothers' tales" are not to be ignored
except at our own peril!"
Previously Gilbert had said, "Many a time, we "mock"
peoples' beliefs as myths or "Old grandmothers' tale"
Yet, often "Old grandmothers' observations" are on or
close to the mark."
In reading his entire post, the point Gilbert was
obviously making to anyone UNBIASED and with a
half-decent command of the English language, when he
used the phrase, "...not to be ignored..." was that
the possible correlation of the suppression of the
immune system and the spread of cancer, made the old
grandmother's observations "...on or close to the
mark" even though the old grandmothers had no way of
knowing what the real cause was.
I would have had no issue here if Santosh had
questioned Gilbert in a civil and professional manner,
which would have served to clarify any
misunderstanding.  However, given that Gilbert is a
Board Certified oncologist who has taken the
Hippocratic Oath and has no earthly reason to mislead
anyone on the serious topic of cancer, Santosh's
following comments were totally inappropriate.  
"The post appended below propagates dangerous myths
and misinformation regarding cancer treatment in this
public forum. 
Here is a link to an article from the Mayo Clinic,
debunking the myth that tumor spreads when it is
exposed to air, and the misinformation that some
experiment in mice showed that this mythical
observation was accurate:" [end of excerpt]
Sunith, can you show me where Gilbert had propagated
the "dangerous" myth that, "...tumor spreads when it
is exposed to air,...", or said that the experiment
showed that this myth "was accurate".  Even someone
with a half-decent command of English would know that
Gilbert had shown that it was NOT accurate, just
APPEARED TO BE accurate.
Then again, when given the chance to reconsider by
Kevin, Santosh REPEATED the following in
now adding another false but serious charge that
Gilbert was making "frivolous claims".
"Sorry, I don't think so. That post was under the
Science and Religion thread. It made the following
unsupported and frivolous claims, and I paraphrase
(Please see the original post again):
1. A modern scientific experiment in mice has shown
that an old grandmother's kaannee about cancer surgery
causing a cancer to spread was accurate."
If you can show me where I am wrong in my
interpretation of this sequence of events, I will
revise my opinion that both Santosh and you had
personal agenda's here that had little to do with what
Gilbert had actually tried to illustrate.

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