It has been a bloodbath this September. A pall of gloom that descended on 
Goa with the death of its much loved music make, August Braganza, on 07 
September seemed enough to call it a Black September. Then came the sudden 
passing away of Umesh Mahambre,  one of Goa's most balanced reporters on our 
lives and times. Quite a few of us will also miss the kindly, soft-spoken 
Dr. Roberto Dias, who has served the Goa Medical College & Hospital for many 
years. It was at the funeral service that I noticed an epitaph that I had 
read before, "Please do not grieve because we died; rejoice that we have 
lived." on the grave of Bernard Fernandes [BenFerds], the father of our Pop 
icon, Remo Fernandes. Adjacent to it is the grave of 'Dona' Luiza Fernandes, 
wife of Benferds and an active member of the Botanical Society of Goa for 
many years.

Three different people but with some common threads that were woven in their 
lives to create the social fabric that we talk about but rarely stop to 
understand. All of them were simple persons, no airs around them. They were 
people with their hearts beating in tune with the people around them. In 
these busy times, when we have very little time to even stop and talk to our 
family members and friends even on a sunny day, it was nice to see so many 
persons braving the rains [it rained heavily on all the three days on which 
the funerals took place] to pay their last respects. If each of these three 
men had not touched the hearts of so many people in their life time, these 
people would not have been there for each of the funerals.

"Death is not the end of life but, rather, its transformation into eternal 
life." said Fr. Michael D'Souza, OCD. This is what we believe, whether we 
are Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhist or Jains. In death we transcend 
the present to reach an eternity that mortals may yearn for but never get 
without dying. Those who would want to be immortal in their life time must 
deny themselves and serve others, selflessly. Those who serve, as Mahatma 
Gandhi or Mother Theresa did, are immortal in their life time. They earn our 
love and respect much more than Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, who have made 
and donated billions in charity, or George W. Bush, the wannabe Alexander 
who believes in the maxim " Jo jita woh hi Sikander".  Alexander did not 
live to see the glory of his achievements. His successors divided his mighty 
empire amongst themselves.

These icons of today will become like Alexander of yore and be relegated to 
the pages of history.unless we emulate their virtues and their ideals.strewn 
on the path to fulfillment. It is for us to complete the unfinished 
symphony, to complete the reports. If we can take it no further, than we 
were fair weather friends: out of sight, out of mind. The Music Company, 
with August's brother Alex, Noel deSouza and Marino D'Souza, have had shows 
in his memory. A scholarship for a budding musician is in their mind. The 
Doordarshan is telecasting Umesh Mahambre's favourite children's play ORRAD, 
TORRAD RAKSHAS today at six in the evening. He produced and directed it with 
the meager resources he had access to. Perhaps, some publishing house will 
come forward to publish the script for use by future generations. The play 
has a socially relevant message. Just like the Wizard of Oz. It is in a 
language our children know and understand, a language that binds us, more 
emotionally than intellectually. It is in the language of the heart that 
Umesh Mahambre, August Braganza and Dr. Roberto Dias mostly spoke. Even 
words were often quite unnecessary.

Let us peep into the lives of just one of them today. Umesh Trimbak 
Mahambre, known variously as Umesh, Mahambre or UTM by his friends and 
colleagues, lived in Aldona, Mapusa, Panaji and  Mumbai during various 
stages of his life. He was always simple, honest, straight-forward and 
rarely known to mince words. He had strong opinions but rarely allowed them 
to influence his reportage. He may not have reported everything that one 
might have wished but, what he did report was as unbiased as one can expect.

He was also known for his selfless contribution to activities of the All Goa 
Students' Union in the mid-1970s-80s, which achieved the 50% "Student 
Concession" in bus fare in an unparalleled student agitation. Before his 
stint as a journalist in Goa,  Umesh   was a news   reader  for  All India 
Radio  and Doordarshan, Mumbai. In Goa, he was associated with various 
social and cultural organisations and was a regular contributor to AIR 
[Panvlam Kann'kanit] and DD, Panaji. We shared the love of Konkani, our 
mother tongue in Bardesi dialect, though we wrote in differnet scripts. His 
children's play "Orrad, Torrad Rakshas" [ about a honourable , drunk 
monster] was a great hit among children and adults alike.Umesh Mahabrey was 
a Journalist [Chief Reporter of the Navhind Times and President of the Goa 
Union of Journalists], playwright and a person dedicated to children's 
theatre although he had none of his own.

Umesh is said to have died of cardiac arrest consequent to a bout of 
pneumonia, although I think it was the Big C that killed him. The cause 
hardly matters, the effect is final.  He was a fellow Mhapsemkar whom I knew 
since childhood. He was just 49 years and a month old when he quit this 
world all so suddenly. He was sick and low spirits for a few months, 
complaining of fever and listlessness, but never did anyone dream that he 
would go away so suddenly. He  joined  the   Navhind  Times in in 1987  and 
would have completed a quarter century of dedicated service in this 
newspaper while celebrating the golden jubilee of his life next year. It was 
not to be..

Miguel Braganza's column at:

The above article appeared in the September 22, 2006 edition of Gomantak 
Times, Goa

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