--- Mario Goveia wrote:
> The fact that it was incomprehensible to you and not
> to several other readers is something you will have
> to figure out for yourself.

--- Mervyn Lobo wrote:
> My dear Mario,
> If you read my post AND understood it, you may 
> realize that is exactly what I said.
> I am going to post the following for the third time.
> Don't disappoint your fans by trying to avoid the
> questions again and again and again.
> 1) There is no trash section of the Goanet archives.
> 2) It would really be interesting to know why you
>    think there is such a section.
> 3) What makes you want to visit such a place?
> 4) Why would you trip over when you are there?
> BTW, you can have the last word defending the
> extremely badly written article.
Mario responds:
There is a thrash section in the Goanet archives.  It
is the section that contains posts by those who are in
my spam list for obvious reasons.
I am alerted to the most egregious thrash by other
Goanetters especially when gross misrepresentations
are being made.
Here are some of the Gilbert's opinions that Mervyn
says were incomprehensible to him for reasons that are
incomprehensible to me.  Yet, this admission of
incomprehensibility did not constrain Mervyn from
continuing to defend those who chose to misrepresent
Gilbert's opinions as spreading "dangerous myths":
"The current explanation for this (statistical
significant) observation is that the surgery depresses
the immune system, allowing the tumors to now behave
and grow even more aggressively.  Hence cancer surgery
has undergone and is undergoing significant shift. 
>From big radical cancer surgery we have turned /
flipped and are now into minimal / organ-saving cancer
surgery.  Laboratory studies on humans show that
markers of the immune system are significantly
suppressed after major surgery." 
"Yet I encourage all patients to use every option
available to improve their chance of being cured -
especially approaches that have no side-effects and
are cheap.  I would not encourage patients to use
these alternatives as a subsitute to proven
treatments. These "yet proven" approaches should not
be overlooked because of our lack of "current state of
understanding"." [end of excerpts]
Somehow this got twisted into mean-spirited
allegations that Gilbert, a Board Certified
oncologist, had said that tumors grew by exposure to
air and allegations of a propagation of dangerous
myths and insinuations by a non-oncologist who doesn't
even practice medicine, that improper treatment of
cancer was being propagated.

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