Hi Mario,

Can you please follow your own advice and stop boring us with repeated mails 
on this topic(especially since there is no trash section on Goanet to divert 
boring mails to!). By your logic you are even less qualified to comment on 
this topic than Santosh. You are neither a medic and nor a researcher, being 
a cancer survivor does not make you an authority on the scientific aspect of 
this topic either.

Here in College, I have access to vast databases of scientific papers(some 
of the largest in the world) and I could not find a single experiment in the 
last few years that matched Gilbert's FICTITIOUS mouse experiment with its 
nonsensical conclusions. It is more likely he read about the experiment in a 
newspaper rather than a scientific journal.

In PLAIN English let me once again ask.

Can you or Gilbert please provide for the benefit of the scientists on this 
forum the name and date of the journal where the mouse experiment (carried 
out a few years ago) that Gilbert was referring to was published?

I hope you don't wriggle out of this simple question by quoting the same 
experiment Dr. Jayant referred to which was carried out in the seventies and 
not a "few years ago". I wouldn't be surprised if the first time either of 
you heard about the scientific details of that experiment was through Dr 
Jayant's post.

It was very easy to find the one Dr. Jayant mentioned because he is 
obviously well versed in research methodologies and publishing papers. Hence 
he provides references, unlike  Gilbert who was completely unable to do so 
when asked(for obvious reasons!).


Sunith Velho

Mario Goveia writes:
Here is what Dr. Helekar, a medical researcher who is
not qualified to treat any cancer patients had said....
Again, my advice as a cancer survivor who faced a
significant probability of not surviving a rare form
of cancer for more than 5 years is that if you develop
symptoms of ANY cancer, please consult a practicing
The last people you want to waste your precious time
on are academics and researchers 

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